
Module 6 Unit 1 You've got a letter from New York. 课文知识复习+巩固练习-2023-2024学年六年级英语上册单元速记·巧练(外研版三起)

日期:2024-10-06 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:25次 大小:948568Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2023-2024 学年六年级上册单元速记·巧练(外研版三起) Module 6 You’ve got a letter from New York. 课文知识复习+巩固练习 课文知识复习 重点单词: world 世界 often 经常 difficult 困难的 重点词组: 1) live in 居住 5) in the park 在公园里 2) in the UK 在英国 6) pen friends 笔友 3) next year 明年 7) write to...给……写信 4) a Chinese dragon kite 一个中国龙风筝 重点句型: 1) You’ve got a letter from New York, but it’s not from Daming. 你收到一封从纽约寄来的信,但不是大明寄来的。 2) Have you got a book about China 你有一本关于中国的书吗 3) Daming has got a Chinese dragon kite and we often fly it in the park. 大明有一只中国龙风筝,我们经常在公园里放它。 4) Have you got a book about the US 你有关于美国的书吗 5) I can send you one. 我可以寄一个给你。 巩固练习 一、选择每组中不同类的单词。 ( )1.A.and B.but C.always ( )2.A.postcard B.letter C.dragon ( )3.A.China B.London C.New York ( )4.A.about B.cold C.warm ( )5.A.world B.difficult C.country 二、给下列句子或对话选择合适的图片。 A. B. C. D. E. ( )6.We fly kites in the park at the weekend. ( )7.Daming has got a nice dragon kite. ( )8.—Have you got a book about London —Yes, I have. ( )9.Please write to me. ( )10.I want to be your friend. 三、单选题。 ( )11.I _____ visit China soon. A.was B.am C.will ( )12.Alice has got a _____ dragon kite. A.China B.Chinese C.Chinatown ( )13.We can _____ pen friends. A.are B.were C.be ( )14.Sam is _____ friend. A.Darning and John’s B.Darning’s and John C.Daming’s and John’s ( )15._____ Sam got a new kite A.Have B.Has C.Did ( )16.New York _____ more than eight million people. A.has got B.have got C.is ( )17.Amy will write _____ you soon. A.to B.for C.with ( )18.—_____ are you —I’m eight. A.how old B.How old C.How ( )19.—How old are you —_____ A.It’s a dog. B.I am nine. C.I’m Mike. ( )20.I can _____ you a book about the US. A.send B.sent C.sending 四、选词填空。 21.She’s got an email in French, (and / but) she can’t read it. 22.Have you (got / get) a book about America 23.Li Ming (say / says) he will write to you soon. 24.English is difficult (for / of) me. 25. (Have / has) you got a book about the UK 五、选出相对应的答句。 A.He has got a Chinese dragon kite. B.I live in New York. C.No, I haven’t. D.A book about China. E.Flying kites. ( )26.What book have you got ( )27.What’s your hobby ( )28.Have you got a letter from New York ( )29.Where do you live ( )30.What has Daming got 六、填内容补全短文。 English the US live you for hobby good write the UK us Hello, Laura! We are Sam and Amy. Thank you 31 your letter. We are all 32 and we are friends. Why do you 33 in New York Do you like the US We want to visit 34 next year. Please send 35 some books about the US. We can send 36 some books about 37 . Daming is our 38 friend. Flying kites is his 39 . What’s your hobby, Laura Please 40 to us. 七、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 I’m Lucy. I’ve got a new pen friend. Her name is Mary. She is A ... ...

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