
Module 2 Public holidays Unit 2 课件+音视频素材(外研英语九上Unit 2 We have celebrated the festival since the firs

日期:2024-07-24 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:34次 大小:124087569Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Module2 Public holidays Module2 Public holidays Module2 Public holidays Unit 2 We have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America. We have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America. What festival do you think it is Thanksgiving. Do you know more about Thanksgiving an American festival November 星期四 X X on the fourth Thursday in November turkey give thanks to food/sb 1620年 “五月花号“船满载受宗教迫害的清教徒到达美洲。当年冬天,他们遇到了难以想象的困难。印第安人给移民送来了生活必需品,并教他们怎样狩猎、捕鱼和种植农作物。在印第安人的帮助下,移民获得了丰收。在欢庆丰收的日子,移民规定了感谢上帝的日子,并为感谢印第安人的真诚帮助,邀他们一同庆祝。 感恩节的由来 Unit 2 We have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America. Words and expressions among speech pioneer grow corn following lay prep. 在……之中 n. 演说;讲演 n. 开拓者;先驱者 v. 种植,栽培(植物) n. 谷物;玉米 adj. 接着的;接下来的 v. 摆放(餐桌) Words and expressions lay the table over dish parade ourselves 摆放餐桌 adj. 完了的;结束的 n. 盘;碟 n.(庆祝)游行 pron. 我们自己 Read the passage and match the headings with the paragraphs. a) A special dinner b) An American festival c) The history of the festival d) Things to do during the festival 1 2 3 4 文章 head to sp前往 n.标题 段落 careful reading Read the Paragraph 1-2 and Check the true sentences and correct the wrong sentences . Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fifth Thursday in November ( ) They have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers from England arrived in America( ) After the pioneers landed , the first winter was better than any English winter. ( ) F T F fourth worse careful reading Read paragraph 3 and answer the questions . 1. Where is the most crowded room on the Thanksgiving Day Why _____ 2. What will people do before they begin dinner _____ The kitchen because we all prepare the food. Give thanks for the food careful reading Read paragraph 4 and choose the best answers ① On Thanksgiving Day in New York City people go to watch_____ A. traditional dinner B. parade C. basketball match ② Which sport is also important at Thanksgiving A. football B. volleyball C. table tennis 3.Complete the table. Facts about Thanksgiving Date _____ Meaning _____ for their food History Have celebrated since _____ from England arrived in America Learnt from the Native Americans how to _____ and celebrated together by _____ of the new food On the fourth Thursday in November Gives thanks the first pioneers grow corn eating a dinner 3.Complete the table. Celebration Celebrate with _____ _____ before dinner. Celebrate by watching _____ _____ in New York City and _____ on television a traditional dinner Gave thanks for the food the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade watch the games 4.Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. among corn dish lay pioneer plenty The first (1)_____ ... ...

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