

日期:2024-10-06 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:39次 大小:6541640Byte 来源:二一课件通
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In the Tang dynasty Now In the future There were no cars. Robots help to do many things. Robot will help people Some robots 78 to cook,clean and do There were 76 There were no computers Some robots help people to sent housework.Even things 80. 77 Some robots like Chat GPT are useful robots that 79. 任务二:阅读短文,判断句子正误,正确涂(T),错误涂()。(5分) ( )81.All the robots can talk and walk like the robots in the movies ( )82.A robot can do the same job in a factory over and over again. )83.People went home in a carriage or on foot in the Tang dynasty. )84.In the future,there will be house robots to help people to do housework. ( )85.All people think robots are good for our life in the future 十五、书面表达。(10分) 毕业晚会上同学们将要分享自己的成长变化和职业理想。根据照片帮Linda完成 分享内容并仿例写一写自己的成长变化。(除完成空格外,至少仿写5句。) 6 330 before now before now before now My name is Linda.I'm different now.I had long 86. four years ago.But now I have short hair.Before I 87. like vegetables.But now I like88 Before I couldn't 89. pictures well.But now I'm good at drawing pictures. Because I practice a lot.I want to 90. an art teacher in the future. before now before now before now 91.My name is Mike.I'm different now. [六年级英语试题共6页第6页)

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