
山东省菏泽市牡丹区2023-2024学年六年级下学期期末英语 道德与法治 科学试卷(PDF版,含答案)

日期:2024-10-06 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:92次 大小:1490445Byte 来源:二一课件通
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■ 小学六年级综合 2024.7 11.Tom's shoes are than Peter's. 准考证号 学校 姓名_一 班级 12.Tom bought for his mother last Sunday moming. 选择填涂区域(请而2B铅笔填涂) 1 13.Now I love to go 坑涂样例正确填涂 留 留 留 C10 岛 1 [A](B]园 I6【AJ西【C】ID】[E] 四、Zhang Peng在朋友因里分享了一些图片,你能根据这些田片和提示词写一个完整的句子网?(所 田 [B】[c] I [a】[B]【c] 网 【E] 阁 写句子应包含提示词) 3 [A] 8网 (c) I8[A][B] [c] [D] [ [B) 网 C4] 19 田【B] [) 5 a的 [B] [c] 20 [A] [B) 周 岛 岛 4S00 岛 [刀 岛 6 对 [B] [c] 21 [A] 阁 Peter Luke 7 A 22 [B] thinner、than) 8 [9) [B] c 23 [A] 9【AJ [B] 24 [B] 10aa[D】[cJ 25田 [B] I5. (lm、last night) 英语部分 五、2 hang Peng和Xiao Xi正在打电话。选择合适的选项补全对话。(把正确答举涂在r涂区域内) Zh即gPng的周末生活丰富多形,他拖做了环些事情呢7我们一起来看一看吧l Zhang Peng:Hi,Xiao Xi.16. 一,Zhang Peng和Xiao Xi在玩眼力大比拼的游戏, 请带他们选出不同类别的单词吧。(请把正 Xiao Xi::It was meaningful(有意义). 确答案徐在填涂区域内) Zhang Peng:17. A.How did you go there )1.A.smaller B.stronger C.85s Xlao X:I went to the old people's home(非老院) B.How was your weekend ( )2.A.sister B.shorter C.longer C.What did you do there Zhang Peag:18. )3.A.watched B.clean C.stayed Xiao Xl:I went with Zhang Shan,Wang Xia and Liu Jic D.Where did you go J4.A.saw B.ate C.see Zhang Peng:19. E.Who did you go with )5.A.dining hall B.went fishing C.rode a bike Xfao Xl:We went there by bus. 二、Zhang Peng和Xiao Xi玩起了填词游戏,你也来试试吧。(请把正确答案涂在坑涂区战内) Zhang Peog:20. )6.Lucy is ten.Kate is nine years old So Lucy isthan Kate. Xlao XI:Zhang Shan cleaned their rooms.I washed their clothes.Wang Xia and Liu Jie sang and danced A.older B.younger C.taller Zhang Peng:You're helpfull I'll go with you next time! ( )7.My sister a storybook yesterday moming. 六、周末,Zhang Peng和几个朋友一起回到了母校。下面是Zhang Peng的母校30年前(田1)和 A.reads B.read C.reading 现在(图2)的平面图,读图。 判断向子正(A)误(B).(请把正确答茶涂在坑途区城内) )8.There no gym in my school five years ago. Teaching building Teaching buildingTeaching building A.was B.were C.are ⑧ )9.一 Flower bed 一I fell off the horse. A.Where did you go B.What happened C.How was your weekend )10.-Where did you go yesterday A.We went to the post office. B.We go to the post office. C.We are going to the post office. 图 甲印甲伞到 三、Zhang Peng在整理自己的相册。根据图画提示,完成句子。(每空一词), )21.The school has more buildings today than before. Tom' )22.There was only one tcaching building in this school 30 years ngo )23.There was a library in this school 30 years ago. 11. 12空 )24.30 yeans ago..the sudents of this school这个¥校的学非)could do sports in the gym. )25.Now the students of tis school can take computer classes at school 六年极综合第1页共4 六银徐价汀之页非1灭 CS出卷网 3亿人那左用的扫搭APP ... ...

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