ID: 20801742

Unit 9 Grammar Focus 课件(2023-2024学年人教版七年级下册英语Unit 9 What does he look like?)

日期:2024-10-20 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:97次 大小:34373034B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Guess a riddle (猜谜语) She is thin. She has long blond(金黄色) hair. She is of medium height . Who is She appearence 外貌 Hi,I‘m Paula. What does she look like She has buckteeth.(龅牙) She is big. What does she look like Her classmates start calling her bucky (大龅牙) There is a mission card (任务卡). Mission Card 任务卡 Know the way (How to describe others) Make describtions Learn to respect others Task 1: Know the way (How to describe others) He is thin. He has sharp eyes. How to describe others He is heavy. He has big ears. How to describe others He is of medium build. He has short hair. How to describe others Wh-question alternative question 选择疑问句 How to describe others He's really tall. She has long straigh hair. They're of medium build. They have curly hair. He isn't tall or short. He's of medium height. 句式总结 Be 型 Have 型 Of 型 I have a friend 我来描述你来猜 REC HD 4K 25FPS MENU Task 2: Make describtions 规则: 首先,一位同学上台用一句话介绍一位自己在班上的好朋友。 然后,台下的同学提问,台上的同学回答问题。 最后,当有人猜出ta的好朋友时,游戏终止。 Tips: I have a friend 我来描述你来猜 Task 3:Learn to respect others Hall of Fame 名人堂 Group Work Five or six students as a group,choose one famous people to discuss how to describe him or her. 5到6个学生为一组,选择名人堂里的一位进行讨论如何介绍。 Hall of Fame 名人堂 Show Time 拓展延伸 当有多个形容词修饰名词的时候,排列顺序: 限定描绘大长高, 形状年龄和新老; 颜色国籍跟材料, 作用类别往后靠。 Before, Maggie was Laura’s friend. Because others told her that Maggie is too big.Laura ignored her friend with others.Now, Laura was called “Bucky”. 之前,麦琪是劳拉的朋友,因为有人告诉她麦琪是个笨重的人。劳拉选择和其他人一起无视她,远离她。但是现在劳拉被人叫做大龅牙。 Maggie Laura Maggie Laura If you are Maggie , will you help Laura School Bully 校园霸凌 We should say “NO” to school bully and stand up for each other. Homework Try to use target sentences and words to talk about appearence.

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