
人教版七年级下册UUnit 4 Don't eat in class.Section A 1a-1c课件(共30张PPT,内嵌音频)

日期:2024-09-21 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:52次 大小:18571955Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Section A 1a-1c Unit4 Don’t eat in class. Learning goals 1. Curriculum words: rule, arrive, hallway, hall, dining, listen, fight, sorry 3. Functions: 能简单谈论规章制度 2. Useful expressions: (be) on time, listen to, arrive late for class, run in the hallways, eat in the dining hall 4. Grammar: 能正确使用否定祈使句陈述规章要求;能使用情态动词can表示许可; 5. Sentences: Don’t fight./Don’t arrive late for class. You must …. —Can we … — Yes, we can./No, we can’t. We need rules! rule /ru l/ n. 规则;规章 Rules family rules=the rules of the family 家规 school rules =the rules of the school 校规 class rules =the rules of the class 班规 违反规则 keep the rules break the rules 遵守规则 Free talk A: What can we do at school B: We can … A: What can’t we do at school B: We can’t … can 表示允许;许可 Is the boy late for class 1. Don't arrive late for class. You must be on time. -Can we arrive late for class 准时 arrive late for class =be late for class 上课迟到 School Rules arrive / ra v/v. 到达 -No, we can't. Where are they in the hallways What are they doing 2. Don't run in the hallways. Is it right to run here Can we run in the hallways n.走廊;过道 -No, we can't. School Rules What is the boy doing 3. Don't eat in the classroom. You must eat in the dinning hall. Can we eat in the classroom -No, we can't. School Rules dining hall 餐厅 hall /h l/n. 大厅;礼堂 Where can we eat What is he doing listen to music Can we listen to music in class 4. Don't listen to music in class. v.听;倾听 School Rules -No, we can't. What are they doing fight Can we fight 5.Don't fight. v&n.打架;战斗 School Rules -No, we can't. There are a lot of things we can’t do in school. There are a lot of things we can do in school. We can _____ in the music room. listen to music We can’t listen to music _____ . in class 【易错点】辨析: in class 与in the class Don't listen to music in class. =You musn’t listen to music in class. We can _____in the playground. run We can’t run _____. in the hallways Don't run in the hallways. =You mustn’t run in the hallways. We can eat in the _ _ dining hall. We can’t eat _ _ _ _ _ _ in class/in the class /in the classroom Don't eat in the classroom. You mustn’t eat in the classroom. We can’t _ _ _ _ _ . arrive late for school We can _ _ _ _ _ . arrive/be on time Don't arrive late for class/school. =You mustn’t arrive late for class/ school. =You must arrive/be on time. Do you know the rule Don’t fight. =You mustn’t fight. We can’t _ _ . fight School Rules You must eat in the _____ . Don’t run in the h_____. Don’t a_____ late for class. Don’t e___ in the classroom. Don’t f_____. Don’t d_____ on the wall(在墙上). Don’t l_____ in class! rrive at dining hall. ight raw allways Fill in the blanks of school rules: isten to music Which rules are these students breaking Write the number of the rule next to the student. 1a SCHOOL RULES 1. Don’t arri ... ...

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