
2016年外研版选修六Module 6 War and Peace reading学案(2份打包)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:99次 大小:31412Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Module 6 war and peace学案 Reading and vocabulary 教学建议:以学生自学阅读为主,指导学生阅读课文的时候,回答P78 Activity 2—4 教学目标 1.To train the ability of reading comprehension2.To master following words: confidential, mess, cheers 重点难点 To master some important words and long sentences 学情分析 The passage isn’t familiar to the students 教具课件 Blackboard, project and lecture sheets 教 法 Practice and consolidation 一、.Language points 1.To one’s astonish 出卷网ment意为“令某人惊讶的是”。 to one’s +n. 是一种固定结构,意为:“令某人…的是”,也可写做“to the n.of sb.”. 令他惊讶的是,钥匙就在门上_____ “令某人非常…的是”用much修饰,不可用very much 大大出乎所有人的意料,那个计划竟然成功了。 _____ 2.confidential (adj.)机密的,秘密的 这个情报是绝密的_____ confidence(n.)[U]信心,信任;秘密,机密 confident(adj.)确信的,有信心的 3.mess n. [C] 混乱的局面 整个局面是一团糟_____ in a mess乱七八糟 4.yell v. 大叫,呼喊 我们一起为我们的队呼喊加油。_____ yell at对…喊叫 yell out喊出 5.unload v. 卸下 两个男人从卡车上卸下了货物。_____ load v. 装载 6. cheers int. (用于祝酒)祝你健康! Cheer( sb) up (使)变得高兴,(使)振奋 cheer sb on(比赛中)为某人加油 7. drink to 为…干杯 让我们为你的健康干杯_____ 8. for a (brief) moment片刻 他回答前思考了片刻_____ 二、翻译下列句子 1.但是我们犹豫了(并没有贸然进村),因为我们知道或许那里还有敌兵。 _____ 2.我摘下头盔并喊道:“美国人!把枪放下!” _____ 3.他用一个皮磨器放在剃须刀上,接着给我刮胡子—这是我有生以来刮得最好的一次。 _____ 4.我们送给妇女们她们非常喜欢的长袜,作为回礼,她们拿出香水要我们送给女朋友。 _____ 5.但是村民们把我们当成英雄来对待,一时间,我觉得所有的恐怖和危险都是值得的。 _____ 6.It was so sudden, after the mess and confusion of war on the beach. _____ 7.As we entered the 出卷网 main street, a young woman on a tractor drove out of the garage, saw us and called out something in French。 8.I walked into a ba 出卷网rbershop and stroked my chin, to show I needed to shave. _____ 9.Someone shouted “Che 出卷网ers!” in English and we all drank to liberation and to the French constitution. _____ 10. I was too asha 出卷网med to admit that I was too young to have a girlfriend. 参考答案 一、Language points 1. To his astonishm 出卷网ent, the keys were in the door.(= To the astonishment of him, the keys were in the door.) Much to everyone’s astonishment ,the plan succeeded. 2. This information is strictly confidential. 3. The whole situation is a mess. 4. We yelled together for our team. 5. Two men unloaded the truck. 7. Let’s drink to your health. 8. He thought for a moment before replying. 二.翻译下列句子 1、But we hesitated b 出卷网ecause we were aware that there might still have been enemy soldiers. I took off my helmet and yelled , “ American ! Put your guns down !” 3、He used a leath 出卷网er sharpener on the razor , and then gave me the best shave I had had in years. 4、We gave stocking 出卷网s to the women , which they loved , and in return , they gave us perfume for our girlfriends ... ...

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