
人教新目标七年级下册 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles Section A 1a-1c课件(共28张PPT,无音频,含内嵌视频)

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:79次 大小:66776013Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit10. I’d like some noodles Section A 1a-1c Contents 01 the names of the food 02 look and match 03 read and act 04 pair work 05 activities 06 summarize 07 homework 1.Where are they They’re in the restaurant. 2.What are they doing They’re ordering food. 1.Task: What should we learn first if we eat in a restaurant Part.1 the names of the food dumpling [ d mpl ] sandwich [ s nw t ] pizza [ pi ts ] French fries [ frent fra z] hamburger [ h mb ɡ ] roast beef Part. 2 look and match roast duck French fries sandwich pizza hamburger dumplings If we don’t want to cook at home, what shall we do Go to the restaurant ...... Part. 3 read and act Listening and Speaking S1: Good evening. May I take your order now S2: Yes, I’d like the mushroom soup to start with. S1: What would you like for the main course S2: Fried fish and noodles, please. S1: Would you like anything to drink S2: Just a cup of coffee. Starters Main courses Drinks tomato soup chicken soup mushroom soup fried fish sandwich noodles a cup of tea a cup of coffee a glass of apple juice 开胃菜 主食 饮料 1.May I take your order now take one's order: 为某人点餐 2.I’d like some noodles for the main course. I’d like... :我想要... eg.What would you like for the dessert key sentences Part. 4 pair work Take the customers’ orders in the restaurants. No1:Chinese food restaurant. No2:Hotpot restaurant. No3:Fast food restaurant. No4: Western restaurant. Part. 5 Activities Discuss and write 小组讨论,制作菜单,比一比哪一组的菜单更吸引顾客。 Suppose you’re running a restaurant. Now work in groups and make a menu. Then compare your menus and choose the most attractive restaurant for foreign guests. Clear our plate Please say “no” to a waste of food. Let’s take action from now on ! 1. Preview more activities, think about how to take orders in different restaurants. 2. Search the internet for more sentences about ordering. Homework

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