
Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?单元表格式学案(5课时 无答案)

日期:2024-09-10 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:68次 大小:30518Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课题 Unit 8第2课时 课型 新授 编号 8-2 学科 英语 班级 七年级 领导签字 执笔人 使用人 使用时间 学习目标 1.熟记方位短语及where问句的掌握。2.练习听力及口语表达能力。3.运用方位短语简单表述建筑物地点。 学习重点、难点 1.方位介词/短语across, across from, next, next to, between, front, in front of, behind 2.学会简单的问路的句型。1)Is there….. 2) Where is +地点名词? 课时安排 1课时 自主预习1.记住并翻译:(先记然后自测)1.across from_____ 2.next to_____3.between…and…_____ 4. in front of_____ 5.pay phone_____ 6.behind_____ 7.post office_____ 8.北方_____ 9.市镇_____ 10.到处;大约_____2.请完成2a,并将六个句子简单翻译在课本上。展示交流Step 1 Revision Review the vocabularies of places in 1a.Step 2 Presentation1. Look at the picture in 2a. 2. Go through the sentences in 2a. Finish2a. Check the answers.Step 3 Listening1. Go through the sentences in 2b.2. Listen to the tape. Finish2b.3. Check the answers.Step 4 Pair work1. Ask and answer questions with your partner. Finish 2c.2. Role-play the conversation in 2d.知识探究一、there be 句型1、there be句型主语通常应放在谓语be后面。此结构中,若主语为单数,用there is;若主语为复数,用there are。若主语不可数,则用there is。There are ten trees in front of the house.房子前面有十棵树。There is no water in the cup.杯子里没有水了。2、there be句型谓语应和后面的主语取得数方面的一致,若两个或两个以上的主语,它常和最接近它的那个主语取得一致。There is a bed and two chairs in the room.房间里有一张床,两把椅子。There are two chairs and a bed in the room. 房间里有两把椅子,一张床。二.表示方位的介词。along 向前,向着;across横过,在对面 between介于(两者或多者)之间 behind 在…..之后from 从……on 在……上out载……外面 through穿过 up在……高处巩固提升一、根据汉语完成句子:1.The hotel is _____( 在隔壁) the restaurant.2.Our school is ____the hotel ___(在…与…之间)the hospital.3.There is a restaurant_____( 在…对面)the hospital.4.The restaurant is_____ (在…后面 )the school.5.The car is _____(在…前面) the building.二、单项选择1. The park is the right of the bank.A. in B. on C. at D. near2. , where is the park A. Hi B. Hello C. Excuse me D. Excuse3. The hotel is the post office.A. next B. the next C. next to D. the next to4. --Thank you very much. -- A. You’re welcome. B. Really C. Nice to meet you. D. Thank you, too.5. Go straight this street and then turn right.A. from B. to C. down D. on PAGE 2课题 Unit 8第4课时 课型 新授 编号 8-4 学科 英语 班级 七年级 领导签字 执笔人 使用人 使用时间 学习目标 1.掌握新单词和短语:2.总结学过的描述或询问某地的句式方法3.书写一份自己的旅游指南4.掌握近义介词的区别和一些动词短 学习重点、难点 书写一份自己的旅游指南 课时安排 1课时 自主预习翻译1. 街区;街坊_____ 2. 花(时间,金钱) _____3.爬_____ 4. 路_____5.常常_____ 6. 空气 _____ 7. 阳光_____8. 免费的 _____9. 享受;喜爱 _____10. 喜欢阅读 _____11. 容易地_____12. 钱_____展示交流Step 1 Free talk Talk about your neighborhood.Step 2 Presentation1. Look at the words in 2a. Finish2a.2. Look at the maps in 2b. Guess where they are talking about.3. Read through t ... ...

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