
Unit 9 What does he look like?课文改编语法填空(含答案)2023-2024学年人教版英语七年级下册

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:56次 大小:19919Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit9 What does he look like Section A 根据2a、2b听力内容改编 Some people describe 1._____(they) brother or friends. David is tall 2._____ heavy. And he has curly hair. Sally 3._____(have) long straight hair. She is thin and of medium 4._____(high). Peter is short 5._____ short hair. 根据2d对话内容改编 Tony and Mike are going to the movie tonight. They 1._____(meet) at seven. 2._____ Mike may 3._____(is) a little late. His friend David is going,4._____.He is going to meet 5._____(he) in front 6._____the cinema first. But Tony 7._____(not) know what he 8._____(look) like. Mike says he is of medium 9._____(high) with brown hair and he wears 10._____(glass). Section B 根据1c、1d听力内容改编 Laura and John 1._____(watch) TV now. Bob doesn’t know 2._____ Johnny Dean looks like. He is a singer. He is really tall 3._____curly hair. And he has 4._____(fun) glasses. Then the movie 5._____(actor) come. 6._____(Bob) favorite actress is Tina Brown. She is 7._____medium height and she 8._____(have) long blonde hair. Bob thinks she is really cool 9._____ beautiful. And she is a great 10._____(actor). 根据2b阅读内容改编 Joe Brown has 1._____ interesting job. He is a police 2._____(art). Some people see 3._____(crime) and tell him what the criminal looks 4._____. Then Joe draws a picture of the criminal. Then the police 5._____(put) it in newspapers and 6._____ television to find him. Joe wants 7._____(draw) a good picture of each criminal but sometimes it’s difficult. 8._____ many people don’t always see things the same way so they may describe the same person 9._____(different). Also, they don’t always remember 10._____(good). Unit 9 根据2a、2b听力内容改编 their and has height with 根据2d对话内容改编 are meeting/ will meet But be too him of doesn’t looks height glasses 根据1c、1d听力内容改编 are watching what with funny actors Bob’s of has and actress 根据2b阅读内容改编 an artist crimes like put on to draw Because differently well

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