
人教版七年级下册Unit8 Is there a post office near here? 课文改编语法填空(含答案)

日期:2024-09-10 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:63次 大小:19935Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit8 Is there a post office near here Section A 根据2d对话内容改编 Tony is new 1._____ town. So he 2._____(ask) Linda 3._____ help now. He 4._____(want) to go to the bank. Linda says the bank is 5._____ Center Street, across 6._____ the park. And Center Street is not too far from here. She can walk 7._____ him. Tony is so happy that he thanks Linda 8._____ lot. Section B 根据1c、1d听力内容改编 It’s A’s 1._____(one) day in the city. 2._____ he asks B for help. A wants to go to a hotel. B tells him 3._____(go) along Bridge Street and turn left when he 4._____(see) the library. Then he can go 5._____ Long Street and it’s on the right, next 6._____ the supermarket and across from the bank. A also wants to go to 7._____restaurant to eat something. B says“Go along New Street. 8._____(turn) right at the first 9._____(cross) and the restaurant is on 10._____(you) left, across from the pay phone.” 根据2b阅读内容改编 There is a zoo in Anna’s 1._____(neighbor). She likes 2._____(spend) time there on weekends. And she loves to watch the monkeys 3._____(climb) around. 4._____(get) there, she usually walks out and turn right 5._____ Bridge Road. Then she walks along Bridge Road. The zoo is on the right. John lives near a supermarket. His parents usually shop there. There is a big park across from 6._____ supermarket. He often 7._____(exercise) there 8._____ he loves the clean air and sunshine. He thinks the 9._____(good) things in life are free. Lisa lives in a 10._____(noise) neighborhood. There is a post office between her house 11._____ a clothes store. But her favorite place is the library. It is very quiet and she enjoys 12._____(read) there. When she reads 13._____(book), time goes 14._____(quick)! She can get to the library 15._____(easy). Just go down North Road and turn left. It’s across from the park. Unit 8 根据2d对话内容改编 in is asking for wants on from with a 根据1b、1c听力内容改编 first So to go sees along to a Turn crossing your 根据2b阅读内容改编 neighborhood to spend climbing To get on the exercises because best noisy and reading books quickly easily

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