
人教八下Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains知识点讲义

日期:2024-09-13 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:94次 大小:183085Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains .讲义 一、 Section A ·shoot / v.(shot)射击;发射 The police is shooting at that man.(警察正在向那个人开枪)。 · stone / n. 石头 The crowd began throwing stones.(人群正开始扔石块)。 ·weak /adj. 虚弱的;无力的 He is a little weak in spelling.(他在拼写方面较差。) ·god / n. 神;上帝(God) He believes in God.(他信奉上帝)。 ·remind / v. 提醒;使想起 The story reminded him of his childhood.(这个故事让他想起了他的童年。) ·bit / n. 一点;小块 It is a bit of work.(这事儿只需稍费工夫就可以了。) ·a little bit / 有点儿;稍微 I am a little bit tired.(我觉得有点累。) ·silly / adj. 愚蠢的;不明事理的 That' s a silly question.(那是个愚蠢的问题。) ·instead of / 代替;反而 I always take a walk after dinner instead of watching TV.(我总是饭后散步,而不是看电视。) ·turn ... into / 变成 Water can turn into ice (水能变成冰。) ·object / n. 物体;物品 He is studying an object.(他正在研究一个物体。) ·hide / v.(hid)隐藏;隐蔽 We must hide away.(我们得躲藏。) ·tail / n. 尾巴 This is a black dog with a long tail. (这是一条长尾巴的黑狗。) ·magic / adj. 有魔力的;有神奇力量的 They believe in magic. 他们相信巫术。 ·stick / n. 棍;条 I forgot to stick a stamp on the letter.(我忘了在信上粘贴邮票。) ·excite / v. 使激动;使兴奋 I only take on work that excites me.((我只做那些令我感兴趣的工作。) ·Western / adj. 西方国家的;(尤指)欧美的;西方的(w可以小写) They are from Western country.(他们来自西方国家。) ·once upon a time / 从前 Once upon a time, There was a old kingdom .(从前,有一个古老的王国。) ·stepsister / n. 继姐(妹) As soon as her father died, the stepsisters made her do all the chores.(父亲一死,继姐妹们就让她做所有的家务。) ·prince / n. 王子 He was a prince.(他是一个王子。) ·fall in love / 爱上;喜欢上 When the prince saw her, he fell in love with her.(当王子看到她时,他爱上了她。) ·fit /v. 适合;合身 This coat fits you.(这件外套适合你。) ·couple / n.(尤指)夫妻;两人;两件事物 The couple have no children.(这对夫妻没有孩子。) ·smile [sma l] / v. & n. 笑;微笑 She had a big smile on her face.(她笑容满面。) ·marry [ m ri] / v. 结婚 She married a German.(她嫁给了一个德国人。) ·get married / 结婚 The new couple were so happy that they couldn''t stop smiling when they got married.(这对新夫妇很高兴,他们结婚时无法停止微笑。) Section B ·gold / n. 金子;金币 adj. 金色的 This is a white cup with a gold band.(这是镶有金色条纹的白杯子。) ·emperor / n. 皇帝 This Emperor is very tall.(这个皇帝很高。) ·silk / n. 丝绸;丝织物 Silk is a kind of smooth and soft material.(丝绸是一种光滑柔软的材料。) ·underwear / n. 内衣 They are swimming in their underwear.(他们穿着内衣游泳) ·nobody /pron. 没有人 n. 小人物 Nobody knew what to say.(谁也不知道该说什么。) ·stupid /adj. 愚蠢的 Do I look that stupid (我看起来有那么蠢吗?) ·cheat / v. 欺骗;蒙骗 n. 骗子 Students want to cheat in order to get into top schools.(为了能进入一流学校,学生们想作弊。) ·stepmo ... ...

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