ID: 20856860

期末复习Units 5-6 基础练习(含答案)2023-2024学年牛津译林版八年级英语下册

日期:2024-10-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:60次 大小:23222B 来源:二一课件通
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8B Units 5-6 期末基础练习 一、单词填空 1. I always read the _____(目录) of a book first of all. 2. The teacher decided to make her opinions _____(公开). 3. When I arrived, I found her in_____(谈话) with Mr Li. 4. He _____(握手) my hand and led me into the dining hall. 5. Don't forget to stay in (接触;联系) with your friends. 6. I write to my mother every week, _____(主要) on Sundays. 7. It is (期待) that we will have an English speech contest. 8. You can’t find out an excuse to avoid _____ (排队) to buy the ticket. 9. He has had three_____ (银牌) and he really wants to win the first prize. 10. He took the _____ (客人) cases to the train station and saw them off. 11. --How is Miss King -- She is still under_____(治疗) in hospital. 12. You don't know what trouble we had _____ (实现) our dreams. 13. Wilson is going to travel to the_____(西南方) of Yunnan next month. 14. Most of the food for the homeless is provided by voluntary _____ (组织). 15. People in our country often queue       (礼貌) while waiting in public places. 16. Shall we have a _____ (讨论) on where to spend the summer holiday after class 17. She was a _____ (成功) as a teacher, but she wasn’t _____(成功) as a mother 18. We're (训练) for the basketball match next week because we think it necessary to have _____(训练) every day before the match. 19. --How many _____are there on my birthday cake -- Ten. Let’s blow them out. 20. --I think it’s your last _____ to enter this company. Don’t miss it. --I will catch it. 21. --Did you plan to meet your Physics teacher --No, we met him in the street by _____. 22. --Some_____ people usually sleep in the open air. --I think the government should provide them with places to stay. 23. --Who’s this lady Anna, can you give me an --Of course. Luke, this is my sister, Joanna. 二、句子翻译 1. 举办餐桌礼仪的讲座,他们足够友好。 2. 遵守交通规则能保持我们安全,远离危险。 3. 你跟这些失聪的人密切合作有困难吗 4. 恐怕插嘴他人不是开始一段对话恰当的方式。 5. 感谢提供给我一次担任志愿者的极佳的机会。 6. 直到一条来自警方的短信发送给我了,我才知道我的车挡你路了。 7. 没有英语老师的帮助,我学好英语是不可能的。 8. 你祖父母的生活方式和你的相似吗?不,他们的和我的不一样。 9. 曾经,对他来说和人们沟通是困难的,但他父母从未放弃过他。 10. 此次活动的目的不是筹集钱,而是为了警告我们独自游泳的危险性。 11. 那个有血液疾病的人尽快做手术是重要的。 12. 他忙着向老师解释他上学为什么迟到,没能避免被球砸到。 13. 既然狗天生就有游泳的能力,你怎么能阻止你的宠物狗跳到河里呢? 14. 我认为他妈妈习惯洗蔬菜时开着水龙头没什么不对。 15. 越过某人盘子取东西是没有礼貌的,并且你也应该记得离开前等待每个人吃完。 U5-U6基础复习答案 1.contents; 2.public; 3.conversation; 4.shook; 5.touch; 6.mainly; 7.expected; 8.queuing 9.silvers; 10.guests’; 11.treatment; 12.achieving/realizing; 13.southwest; 14.organizations; 15.politely; 16.discussion; 17.success; successful;; training; 19.candles; 20.chance; 21.accident; 22.homeless; 23.introduction 句子答案 1. 举办餐桌礼仪的讲座,他们足够友好。 ... ...

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