ID: 20856862

期末复习Units 7-8 基础练习(含答案)203-2024学年牛津译林版英语八年级英语下册

日期:2024-10-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:14次 大小:23065B 来源:二一课件通
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8B Units 7-8 期末基础练习 一、词汇检测 1. Remember! _____(指望) on yourself is always the best choice. 2. Is Einstein the_____(有智慧) scientist in the world 3. Notices are _____(展示) on the bus asking people not to smoke. 4. We all agree that the driver who drives after drinking should be _____(罚款). 5. Nobody knew what was the _____ (问题) with the young boy at that time. 6. This textbook has been used to _____(加强) our basic English skills. 7. It’s time for the _____(秘书) voices to be heard. 8. I'm going to some cities in northern China, _____(包括) Beijing and Harbin, for my winter holiday. 9. He was seen _____(挖) a hole in the ground when they reached the park. 10. College _____(教育) is important in modern society. 11. An idea _____(形成) in her mind as she read the news. 12. -Dear, vegetables are on sale(打折). Buy some before they are _____ out. -OK. I’ll go to the market at once. 13. -I'm going to do some exercise and try to lose some weight. -Are you _____ I never see you get out of your chair! 14. -When will we take off –As soon as everybody is on _____. 15. -What do you think of girls' schools - I don't think it's a good idea to _____ girls from boys. 二、翻译句子 1. 去年十一月,这个国际组织被联合国给予了阻止严重疾病传播的权利。 2. 她和大部分印度人一样,已经适应了在农场工作来赚和以前一样多的钱。 3. 他下定决心一天两次饭后服药以便他的牙疼能尽快痊愈。 4. 这项关于日常习惯的调查显示,建设一个更美好的世界需要更多人力财力。 5. 回收利用二手书的方式将在会上讨论并由学生会主席演示给我们。 6. 青少年被分成几组设计海报和分发传单。 7. 煤,石油和燃气等自然资源应该明智地受到保护,否则会很快枯竭。 8. 由于她没钱动手术,她被允许接受医学治疗后再付钱。 9. 下周三运动会会举行吗?-看天气情况。 10. 选择公共交通成本低廉而且几乎不产生废物,是吗? 11. 孩子比成年人更容易受空气污染伤害吗? 12. 她为能够影响现代医学感到多么自豪啊! 13. 遵循这些简单的步骤,公司就能继续开展节能计划了。 14. 对政府来说,是时候采取恰当措施来确保40%的失明病例能被预防了。 15. 这个我过去常常经过的空房子是用来举办各种活动的。 16. 垃圾是不小心扔进河里的吗? U7-U8基础复习内容 1. Depending 2. wisest 3. displayed 4. fined 5. matter 6. develop 7. secretaries’ 8. including 9. digging 10. education 11. formed 12. sold 13. serious 14. board 15. separate The international organization was given the right to prevent the spread of serious diseases by the UN last November. As well as most people in India, she has got used to working on the farm to make as much money as before. He has made up his mind to take medicine twice a day after meals so that his toothache can be cured as soon as possible. The survey on daily habits shows that more people and more money are needed to build a better world. Ways about recycling used books will be discussed at the meeting and shown to us by the chairperson of the Students’ Union. Teenagers are separated into several groups to design posters and hand out leaflets. Natural resources like coal, oil and gas should be protected wisely, or they will soon run ou ... ...

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