ID: 20856866

期末复习Units 3-4 基础练习(含答案)203-2024学年牛津译林版英语八年级英语下册

日期:2024-10-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:40次 大小:21630B 来源:二一课件通
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8B Units 3-4 期末基础练习 一、词汇检测 1. I know this famous football player is from (德国). 2. You should read some (评论) about the film before watching it. 3. The baby likes putting his (手指) in his mouth and sucking(吮吸) them. 4. He is a blind person. How does he (设法完成) to finish the most famous drawing 5. We've never seen such a (极小的) butterfly before, so we can't tell its name. 6. With (知识) we have conquered nature and invented steamers, trains and airplanes. 7.They caught the child and (捆绑) him to a chair with a rope. 8. Do you have any problems (翻译) these words into Chinese 9.We can see different kinds of birds on this (岛屿). 10. Seeing these old ladies get on the bus, a (几个) of students offered them their seats. 11. His poor English has a great effect (影响) on his understanding of the English (剧本). 12. _____(几个) days later, the boy learned to dress himself. 13. On New Year Day we often visit our _____(亲戚). 14. Which is your favorite _____(频道) 15. _____ (放松) and enjoy the ride. 16. I like to (收到) presents on my birthday. 17. Without , you can't go abroad. 18. You can the book out with the printer. 19. The police spent two day for the robbers. 20. You can see some goldfish swimming at the of the tank(鱼缸). 21. Jimmy didn't go to bed his mother came home last night. 22. The bank is the supermarket, on the other side of the road. 23. Don't eat too many snacks, boys. They will make your uncomfortable. 24. --Could you help me carry the heavy box --With . 25. --Why did you his invitation to the party --I didn't accept it because I didn't have time. 二、翻译句子 1.现在作业已经做完了,我们讨论怎样度过多余的时间吧。 2.这个男孩尽可能跳得高,但还是够不到苹果。 3.在如此多有趣的书中,你已经决定先读哪一本了吗 4.你可以按时交报告的,你只要对自己有信心。 5.我们不仅从书中还从日常生活中获得知识。 6.他们正在讨论把墙涂成什么颜色。 7.在最初的时候,喜欢这个电影的人不多。 8.王医生,你能给我一些关于怎样自我保护的建议吗? 9.你介意帮我搬这张书桌吗 10.现在很多人习惯在网上预订各种票。 11.他不知道我收集这么多海报干什么用。 12..很多人很忙以至于他们很难放松。 13.那位年轻女子很焦虑,她不知道接下来该怎么办。 14.幸运的是,昨晚所有人都设法逃离了大火。 15.那些队员在那场令人激动的比赛之后感到精疲力竭了。 16.他不如以前细心了。 17.互联网给这个山村的农民开启了一个全新的世界。 18.通过在线旅行,你可以实现出国旅行的梦想。 19.我的故乡由四个大村庄组成,每年有成千上万的人来参观。 U3-U4基础复习答案 词汇 Germany; reviews; fingers; manage; tiny; knowledge; tied; translating; island; couple; play(s); Several; relatives; channel; Relax; receive; passports; print; searching; bottom; until; opposite; stomachs; pleasure; refuse 二、翻译 1. Now the homework has been done. Let's discuss how to spend the spare time. 2. The boy jumped as high as possible but he still couldn’t reach the apple/failed to reach the apple. 3. Among so many interesting books, have you decided which one to read first 4. You can hand in the report on time. You just need to have confiden ... ...

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