ID: 20858403

Unit 1 The king's new clothes Cartoon time 同步分层作业(含答案)

日期:2024-10-16 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:91次 大小:406042B 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 1 The king's new clothes 第三课时Cartoon time 根据所给首字母提示填空。 1.Each boy s one sentence.Tim starts first. 2.—Who is n —Su Hai is. 3.You are very quiet,Sam.What are you t 4.We saw a w film last night. 5.—Don't be late for class a ,Sam. —I'm sorry. 6.Be q ,Mike! It's late. 7.Miss Fox is t the students a story about Nezha. 8.Old John 1 in the house with his grandson one year ago. 9.Let's start p the game,boys and girls. 10.It's your t to make a sentence. 根据所给中文提示,完成下列句子。 1.This maths question is very difficult.Tom (正努力思考). 2.It's (轮到你) to sing,Bobby. 3.Tina wanted to (说下一个) sentence. 4.Paul (不得不开始) reading the book again this morning. 5.Grandpa often (给我们讲一些故事) after dinner. 单项选择。 ( )1.Helen us a long story,but we couldn't understand. A.tells B.told C.talked ( )2.It's five o'clock.I have to home. A.go to B.go C.goes ( )3.Each student one picture every Sunday.This is their homework. A.draw B.draws C.drew ( )4.Wang Bing studies at school.He's a good student. A.hard B.good C.nice ( )5.The woman the mountain and smiles. A.points at pointing at C.pointed at ( )6.Long long ago,there a king and two princes here. B.were C.was 给下列句子选择合适的答语。 ( )1. Look! The cowboy is wearing jeans. ( )2. Where did you live before ( )3. How beautiful your dress is! ( )4. Can you make a sentence with“each” ( )5. Was there an old man in the house 根据汉语提示,完成句子。 1.每位学生说一个句子。 _____ student says one _____. 2.李老师和她的学生们正在讲故事。 Miss Li and her students _____ _____a story. 3.我们不得不重新开始上课了。 We _____ _____start our lesson _____. 4.轮到他了。 It's _____ _____. 5.这个问题太难了。她正在努力思考。 This problem is _____. She is _____ _____. 完形填空。 There was a horse on a small island. He didn't like the island. He wanted to find a(n) 1 place. All his friends said, “Don't 2 ,Mr Horse.” But the horse didn't listen to his friends. The horse left at last. 3 got to a big island on a hot afternoon.He could 4 a lot of green grass there. After about fifteen days, he was very 5 . Unluckily, a man saw the horse and 6 him one day. He took the horse home. So the horse had to 7 hard all day. The man was not kind to him. The horse was very thin after one year and he was very 8 .” I'm not happy at all.I want my 9 ,” thought the horse. The horse ran back to the small island one night.He was happy to 10 his friends again.“I will never leave my friends again,”he said. ( )1.A.old C.small D.long ( )2.A.leave B.find D.look ( )3.A.It B.She C.He D.They ( )4.A.put B.visit D.had ( )5.A.thin B.heavy C.interesting D.short ( )6.A.caught B.lost C.washed D.bought ( ) C.walk D.ride ( )8.A.late B.happy C.sad D.afraid ( )9.A.mother B.father C.friends ( )10.A see B.make C.pick 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 Long long ago, there was a poor man. He had an orange tree. On the tree, there were many oranges. One o ... ...

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