ID: 20882495

Unit 9 What does he look like section B 2a-2c课件(共15张PPT)人教版七年级下册

日期:2024-10-20 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:93次 大小:20236618B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit9 What does he look like section B 2a-2c Who is she --she is Wang Likun. What does she look like She is beautiful thin Of medium build She has long straight hair a small face two big eyes 2a. Match the words with the opposite meaning. young old short long short tall fat thin curly straight beautiful ugly What ‘s your dream job Watch and answer 1.What’s Joe’s job A police artist. 2. What is he doing He is drawing a picture of the criminal. choose the right answer: 1.The main idea of the letter is that A. Joe Brown has an interesting job. B. Joe Brown doesn’t like his job. C. Joe Brown’s look is good. 2. What's Joe Brown's job A. He is a policeman. B. He’s a police artist. C. He is an artist. Task1 Task2 Read paragraph 1 and judge T(true) or F(false) 1. Joe tells people what the criminals look like people tell Joe 2. Joe draws a picture of the criminal 3.The police put the picture on the Internet in newspaper and on television F T F Read paragraph 2 Can you describe these three persons He is of medium height and young He has long straight hair and big eyes . He is tall and thin, and he has short curly blonde hair. He is short and heavy. And he has short black hair. He is a little old. Task3 Read the newspaper article. Which picture shows the real criminal Task4 1 Let's look for the words in bold! 2 Read the article and write what the words in bold refer to. Tips: Pronouns refer to the things or people mentioned above. 代词一般指上文提到的物或人。 Do you know Read the article again and write what the words in bold refer to. Joe Brown the picture of the criminal the criminal drawing a good picture many people the criminal Fill in the main map. Joe brown who police artist interesting feelings How People ____ ___ and _____ ___ Joe Joe _____ a picture of ____ _____ the police _____ it in _____ and on television to find _____ Many people don't always see things_____ _____ ____ so they describe _____ _____ differently see crimes talk to draws the criminal put newspaper the criminal the same way difficult the same person homework Describe a person you like in English

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