ID: 20883345


日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:28次 大小:376983B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 翻译下列句子,指出句子中的状语从句  1. Great changes have taken place in China in the last few decades. 1 什么是状语从句? 最近几十年以来,中国发生了巨大的变化。句中无状语从句。 2. Whoever breaks the law shall be punished. 3. Being ill, she had to remain at home. 1 任何违背了法律的人必定受到惩罚。句中无状语从句。 因为生病,她只好留在家里。句中无状语从句。 4. There is life where there is water. 1 有水的地方就有生命。句中where there is water为地点状语从句。 1 状语从句有两个特征:必须在句中作状语;必须是句子作状语。因此,在句中作状语,修饰句子或动词等的从句叫状语从句。 翻译下列句子,指出画线部分状语从句的类别 1.Every_time_I_see_action_movies_acted_by_Jackie_Chan,_I would get excited. 2 状语从句有哪些类别? 每当我看成龙演的动作片时,我会很兴奋。Every time I see action movies acted by Jackie Chan 作时间状语。 2. You should have put away the book where_you_took_it. 3. The higher income tax is harmful in_that_it_may_discourage_people_from_trying_to_earn_more. 2 你应该把书放回原处。 where you took it作地点状语。 所得税高是有害的,它让人不想去赚更多的钱。 in that it may discourage people from trying to earn more作原因状语。 4. The boss asked the secretary to hurry up with the letters so_that_he_could_sign_them.   5. He got up so early that_he_caught_the_first_bus. 2 老板要秘书赶快送交那些信件以便他能签发。 so that he could sign them作目的状语。 他起得很早因此他赶上了第一班车。that he caught the first bus作结果状语。 6. You will certainly succeed so_long_as_you_keep_on_trying. 7. Much_as_I_respect_him,_I can't agree to his proposal. 2 只要你不断尝试,你当然会成功。so long as you keep on trying作条件状语。 虽然我非常尊敬他,但我不同意他的建议。much as I respect him作让步状语。 8. Food is to man what_oil_is_to_industry. 9. The employee behaved as_if_he_were_the_boss. 2 食物之于人正如石油之于工业。 what oil is to industry作比较状语。 这个员工表现得像老板似的。as if he were the boss作方式状语。 2 状语从句一般分为九大类别: 时间状语从句;地点状语从句;原因状语从句;目的状语从句;结果状语从句;条件状语从句;让步状语从句;比较状语从句和方式状语从句。 翻译下列句子,指出句中的从属连词类别并总结各类状语从句  1. The teacher is more strict with us than he used to be. 3 引导状语从句从属连词有哪些? 老师比以前更加严格要求我们。从属连词than表比较。 2. Do as you're told to.  3. Whoever does the job, we'll pay him or her by the job. 3 按照吩咐的去做。从属连词as表方式。 无论谁干这项工作,我们都发计件工资。从属连词whoever表让步。 4. The system won't work unless all of us strictly stick to it.  5. The_first_time I came to the city, I became interested in its snacks. 3 除非我们都严格遵守这项制度,它才会生效。 从属连词unless表条件。 第一次来这个城市,我就对它的小吃感兴趣。从属连词the first time表时间。 6. The school is situated where there used to be a factory.  7. Since there is no time left, let's go on with the topic next time. 3 学校坐落在原来是座工厂的地方。从属连词where表地点。 既然没时间了,我们下次再 ... ...

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