ID: 20886416


日期:2024-10-12 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:98次 大小:770718B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 期末总复习 Unit 2 单元复习训练 一、根据句意及首字母提示填空 1. I don’t think the answer is correct . The right answer is A. 2. I like sports, for example , basketball, volleyball, and tennis. 3. He likes sports, but he only  watches them on TV. 4. Dan really likes playing football. He even  plays it on rainy days. orrect xample nly ven 二 三 四 一 5. My brother is sick  today, so he can’t go to school. ick 二 三 四 一 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 6. We should never answer questions without  thinking  (think) carefully. 7. I’m  truly  (true) sorry that I am late again. 8. Mr. Li gives us some  tips  (tip) on learning English. 9. I feel thirsty and tired, and I need  to drink  (drink) some water and have a good rest. thinking truly tips to drink 二 三 四 一 10. It is a computer game with 15  levels  (level). 11. There  are  (be) three pieces of bread on the plate. 12. Linda doesn’t have much time for breakfast, so she usually eats  quickly  (quick). 13. We should eat more vegetables like tomatoes and  cabbages  (cabbage). levels are quickly cabbages 二 三 四 一 14. She is a shy girl. She seldom(很少)shows her  feelings  (feeling). 15. Geography(地理)is the study of the countries,  oceans  (ocean), rivers, mountains or cities of the world. feelings oceans 二 三 四 一 三、根据句意填入适当的介词 16. Angela teaches us to look  for  useful ideas on the Internet. 17. The baby’s beautiful eyes look  like  stars. 18. Look  at  the kites in the sky. How amazing! 19. Let’s listen  to  some quiet music. 20. Fruit is good  for  health. Please remember, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” for like at to for 二 三 四 一 四、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 21. 琳达,这个单词是什么意思? Linda,  what’s   the   meaning   of  the word? 22. 看!图片上有一只兔子、两只狐狸和两只狼。 Look!  There   is  a rabbit, two  foxes  and two wolves in the picture. what’s the meaning of There is foxes 二 三 四 一 23. 放学后,桑迪遇到了西蒙,他们一起回家了。 After school, Sandy  meets   up   with  Simon and  they  go home together. 24. 琳达,你总是第一个到校。真是了不起! Linda, you are always the first to come to school.  Good   for   you ! meets up with they Good for you 二 三 四 一 25. 我说英语有问题。你能给我一些建议吗? I  have   problems   in  speaking English. Can you give me some advice? 26. 跳过那条线对这个男孩来说太难了。 It’s hard for the boy to  jump   over  the line. have problems in jump over 二 三 四 一 27. 那个老板很有钱,但这并没有使他快乐。 The boss is very rich, but it doesn’t  make   him   happy . 28. 莉莉很害羞,她害怕在我们面前唱歌。 Lily is shy and she  is   afraid    of  singing  in   front   of  us. make him happy is afraid of in front of 二 三 四 一 29. 这个箱子看起来很重,但实际上它很轻。 The box looks  heavy  but  in   fact  it is light. 30. 工作了一整天之后, ... ...

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