
2025届高考英一轮语复习 核心词汇复习 Day 1 导学案(含解析)

日期:2024-09-09 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:47次 大小:36042Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2025届高考核心词汇复习(知识清单+练习)Day 1 一、单词详解 1. ability [ 'b l ti] (1)词性:名词 (n.) (2)中文释义:能力,才能 (3)例句:He has the ability to solve complex problems. (他具有解决复杂问题的能力。) (4)拓展词组: to the best of one's ability 尽某人最大努力 natural ability 天赋 (5)易错点:ability 后面接不定式 to do,而不是 doing。 (6)近义词辨析: ability 指的是已经具备并能熟练运用的能力,例如学习能力、解决问题的能力等。 skill 更侧重于通过学习和实践获得的技能,例如驾驶技能、写作技能等。 (7)例句: She has a natural ability for music. (她有音乐天赋。) I will finish the task to the best of my ability. (我会尽力完成这项任务。) 2. abroad [ 'br d] (1)词性:副词 (adv.) (2)中文释义:在国外,到国外 (3)例句:She dreams of studying abroad. (她梦想出国留学。) (4)拓展词组: go abroad 出国 live abroad 在国外生活 (5)易错点:abroad 本身已经包含了 “在/到国外” 的意思,前面不需要再加介词。 (6)近义词辨析: abroad 是一个概括性的词语,指任何一个除本土以外的国家或地区。 overseas 通常指 “跨越海洋的”,例如去往其他洲的国家。 (7)例句: He's been living abroad for the past five years. (过去五年他一直住在国外。) They decided to go abroad for their honeymoon. (他们决定去国外度蜜月。) 3. absence [' bs ns] (1)词性:名词 (n.) (2)中文释义:缺席,缺乏 (3)例句:Her absence from the meeting was noted. (有人注意到她没有参加会议。) (4)拓展词组: in the absence of 在缺乏...的情况下 absence of mind 心不在焉 (5)易错点:absence 是抽象名词,通常不用复数形式。 (6)近义词辨析: absence 指某人或某事物不在某个地方或某个场合。 lack 指不足或缺少某物。 (7)例句: In the absence of any evidence, the police had to release him. (由于缺乏证据,警方不得不释放他。) The student's absence from school was due to illness. (这个学生缺课是因为生病了。) 4. absent [' bs nt] (1)词性:形容词 (adj.) (2)中文释义:缺席的,不在的 (3)例句:He was absent from school yesterday. (他昨天没来上学。) (4)拓展词组: be absent from 缺席... an absent-minded professor 心不在焉的教授 (5)易错点:absent 后面接介词 from,表示“缺席某个地方或场合”。 (6)近义词辨析: absent 指某人或某事物不在应该出现的地方或场合。 missing 指某人或某事物不知去向,可能已经丢失。 (7)例句: Please excuse me for being absent from your party. (很抱歉我缺席了你的派对。) Two of the students were absent from class this morning. (今天早上有两个学生没来上课。) 5. accept [ k'sept] (1)词性:动词 (vt.) (2)中文释义:接受,同意 (3)例句:I accept your invitation. (我接受你的邀请。) (4)拓展词组: accept a gift 接受礼物 accept responsibility 承担责任 (5)易错点:accept 表示自愿接受,而 receive 仅仅指客观上收到。 (6)近义词辨析: accept 指经过考虑后同意接受。 receive 指收到某物,但并不一定接受。 (7)例句: He accepted the job offer without hesitation. (他毫不犹豫地接受了这份工作。) I received a letter from my friend yesterday. (我昨天收到了朋友的一封信。) 6. accident [' ks d nt] (1)词性:名词 (n.) (2)中文释义:事故,意外 (3)例句:He was injured in a car accident. (他在一场车祸中受伤。) (4 ... ...

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