
2025届高考英语 一轮复习 核心词汇复习 Day 3 导学案(含解析)

日期:2024-09-09 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:99次 大小:38851Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2025届高考核心词汇复习(知识清单+练习)Day 3 一、单词详解 1. Ahead [ hed] (1)词性: 副词 (adverb) (2)中文释义: 在前面; 向前; 比……进步; 领先 (3)例句: The road ahead is blocked. (前面的路被堵住了。) I finished my work ahead of schedule. (我提前完成了工作。) She is ahead of her classmates in math. (她在数学方面比她的同学强。) (4)同义词: in advance, forward, before (5)反义词: behind (6)拓展词组: get ahead 取得成功; 领先 go ahead 开始; 前进; 请便 look ahead 展望未来 (7)易错点拨: ahead of 后面接时间、进度等词语时,表示“提前于……”。 ahead of 后面接人或事物时,表示“在……前面”或“比……好”。 2. Aid [e d] (1)词性: 名词 (noun); 动词 (verb) (2)中文释义: 名词:帮助; 援助; 辅助设备 动词:帮助; 援助 (3)例句: The government provided aid to the disaster area. (政府向灾区提供了援助。) He came to my aid when I was in trouble. (在我遇到麻烦的时候,他帮助了我。) This software is a great aid to learning English. (这款软件对学习英语有很大帮助。) (4)同义词: help, assistance, support, support (5)搭配: 名词搭配: financial aid (经济援助), humanitarian aid (人道主义援助), hearing aid (助听器), first aid (急救) 动词搭配: aid somebody in doing something (帮助某人做某事) (6)拓展词组: come to someone’s aid 来帮助某人 with the aid of… 在……的帮助下 (7)易错点拨:aid 既可以作名词,也可以作动词。 3. Aim [e m] (1)词性: 名词 (noun); 动词 (verb) (2)中文释义: 名词:目标; 目的 动词:瞄准; 旨在 (3)例句: His aim is to become a doctor. (他的目标是成为一名医生。) He aimed the gun at the target. (他用枪瞄准了目标。) The new law is aimed at reducing pollution. (这项新法律旨在减少污染。) (4)同义词: goal, target, objective, purpose (名词); point, direct (动词) (5)搭配: 名词搭配: achieve one’s aim (实现目标), the aim of… (……的目的) 动词搭配: aim at… (瞄准……;旨在……), aim to do sth. (力求做某事) (6)拓展词组: take aim at 瞄准 with the aim of 目的是; 旨在 (7)易错点拨:aim at doing something 表示“旨在做某事”,而不是 aim to do something。 4. Aircraft ['e krɑ ft] (1)词性: 名词 (noun) (2)中文释义: 飞机; 航空器 (3)例句: All aircraft must be inspected before takeoff. (所有飞机起飞前必须接受检查。) The airport handles thousands of passengers and aircraft every day. (该机场每天接待数千名乘客和数百架次航班。) (4)拓展词组: military aircraft 军用飞机 civilian aircraft 民用飞机 aircraft carrier 航空母舰 (5)易错点拨:aircraft 是单复数同形的名词,表示复数时不需要加 -s。 5. Alarm [ lɑ rm] (1)词性: 名词 (noun); 动词 (verb) (2)中文释义: 名词:警报; 惊慌 动词:使惊慌; 使担心 (3)例句: The fire alarm went off. (火警响了。) The news of the earthquake caused widespread alarm. (地震的消息引起了idespread alarm.) I don’t want to alarm you, but there’s been an accident. (我不想吓唬你,但是发生了一起事故。) (4)同义词: 名词: warning, alert, fright, panic 动词: frighten, scare, worry (5)搭配: 名词搭配: fire alarm (火警), burglar alarm (防盗警报) , sound the alarm (发出警报) 动词搭配: alarm somebody about something (使某人对某事感到担心) (6) ... ...

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