
2025届高考英语核心词汇复习:知识清单 和练习Day Four学案(含答案)

日期:2024-09-09 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:45次 大小:53631Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2025届高考核心词汇复习(知识清单+练习)Day 4 一、单词详解 1. anger [' g ] (1)词性: 名词 (n.) (2)中文释义: 生气,愤怒 (3)同义词: fury (暴怒) rage (狂怒) indignation (义愤) wrath (震怒) (4)反义词: calmness (平静) happiness (高兴) peace (平和) tranquility (宁静) (5)拓展词组: in anger (愤怒地) vent one's anger on (拿...出气) anger management (愤怒管理) (6)易错点点拨: anger 是不可数名词,表示具体的一次生气可以用 a fit of anger。 angry 是 anger 的形容词形式。 (7)例句: The unfair treatment aroused his anger. (不公平的待遇激起了他的愤怒。) She controlled her anger with great effort. (她费了很大的劲才控制住自己的怒火。) (8)辨析: anger: 强调一种强烈的不满和敌意。 fury/rage: 比 anger 更强烈,表示极度愤怒,近乎失去理智。 indignation: 指由不公正或不道德的行为引起的愤怒。 (9)串记例句:The constant noise filled her with anger and frustration, pushing her to the brink of fury. (持续不断的噪音让她充满了愤怒和沮丧,把她推向了暴怒的边缘。) 2. announce [ 'na ns] (1)词性: 动词 (vt.) (2)中文释义: 宣布,通报 (3)同义词: declare (宣布,声明) proclaim (宣告,公布) publicize (公布,宣传) notify (通知) (4)反义词: conceal (隐瞒) hide (隐藏) (5)搭配: announce sth. to sb. (向某人宣布某事) announce that...(宣布...) it is announced that...(据宣布...) (6)拓展词组: make an announcement (发布公告) an official announcement (官方公告) (7)易错点点拨: announce 后面可以直接跟要宣布的内容,也可以接 that 从句。 announce 指正式的宣布,尤其指对公众宣布。 (8)例句: They announced the winner of the competition. (他们宣布了比赛的获胜者。) The company announced plans to open a new factory. (该公司宣布了开设新工厂的计划。) (9)辨析: announce: 指正式地、公开地宣布重要消息。 declare: 强调以一种明确、肯定的方式宣布。 proclaim: 指以一种庄严或隆重的方式宣布。 (10)串记例句: The company announced a new product launch, declaring their commitment to innovation and proclaiming it a game-changer for the industry. (该公司宣布推出一款新产品,宣称他们致力于创新,并宣称这是该行业的游戏规则改变者。) 3. annoy [ 'n ] (1)词性: 动词 (vt.) (2)中文释义: 使生气,使烦恼;打扰 (3)同义词: irritate (激怒) bother (烦扰) anger (使生气) pester (纠缠) (4)反义词: please (使高兴) delight (使愉快) (5)搭配: annoy sb. with sth. (用某事惹恼某人) be annoyed at/by sth./sb. (对某事/某人生气) it annoys sb. to do sth. (做某事让某人生气) (6)拓展词组: get annoyed (生气) be slightly annoyed (有点生气) (7)易错点点拨: annoy 强调轻微的愤怒或烦恼。 annoyed 是 annoy 的形容词形式, annoying 是 annoy 的现在分词形式,可以用作形容词表示“令人烦恼的”。 (8)例句: Don't annoy your sister, she's had a bad day. (别惹你姐姐了,她今天过得很糟糕。) The annoying noise made it difficult to concentrate. (烦人的噪音让人难以集中注意力。) (9)辨析: annoy: 指轻微的恼怒或烦躁。 irritate: 指更强烈的恼怒或不耐烦。 bother: 指使人不安或烦恼,程度比 annoy 轻微。 (10)串记例句: The child's constant whining began to annoy the passengers on the plane, irritating some to the point of complainin ... ...

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