ID: 20901714

Unit 9 What does he look like Section A 1a-1c课件(共24张PPT,无音频)人教版七年级下册

日期:2024-10-20 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:15次 大小:3288220B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 9 What does he look like Section A (1a-1c) Teaching aims Key words: curly,straight,tall,medium,height,thin,heavy. Key sentences: -What does she/he look like -She/He is tall/has long straight hair. Language goal: describe people’s looks and don’t judge people by appearance. Different people have different looks. (外貌) height build hair What’s their difference They’er difference in... height (身高) tall of medium height short What does he look like He is tall. He is of medium height. He is short. What does she look like She is tall. She is of medium height. She is short. What’s their difference They’er difference in... build (体型) heavy of medium build thin What does he look like He is thin. He is of medium build. He is heavy. What does she look like She is thin. She is of medium build. She is heavy. What’s their difference They’er difference in... hair (头发) long/short straight/curly blonde/black/brown What does he look like He has short hair. He has black hair. He has short black hair. What does she look like She has long hair. She has curly hair. She has blonde hair. She has long curly blonde hair. 描述头发: +头发 长短+形状+颜色 Match the words with the people in the picture. You can use some letters more than once. 1a 1. short hair ____ 2. curly hair ____ 3. long hair ____ 4. straight hair ____ 5. tall ____ e b a a f h 6. short _____ 7. medium height ____ 8. thin ____ 9. heavy ____ f g c h a d Describe people’s looks in the picture. (高矮胖瘦……)主语 + be + ____ (有……头发)主语 + have/has + ____ + ____ adj. adj. n. He____ tall. He____ short. He____ heavy. He____ thin. He____ of medium height. He____ of medium build. She____ short hair. She____ long hair. She____ straight hair. She____ curly hair. is has has has has is is is is is is or has 精挑细选 David Sally Xiao Xing tall thin straight hair of medium height. of medium build long hair short. heavy. short hair Listen and fill in the blanks in the picture above. Can you find Amy’s friend 1b tall curly hair One of the people in 1a is your friend. Describe your friend. Your partner will find him/her. 1c What does your friend look like She’s of medium height, and she has long straight yellow hair. Is she your friend Yes, you’re right. B: What does he/she look like A: He /She is… B: Does he/she have … A: He /she has … Let’s play a guessing game Describe one of your classmates,then let other students guess who he/she is Describe:She is tall.She has short black hair.She wears glasses.She is good at ... Do you know who he/she is SUMMARY: ask and describe people’s looks A:What does ... look like B:... He/She is He/She has/wears tall. short. of medium height. heavy. thin. of medium build. ... short hair. long hair. straight hair. curly hair. a round/long face. big/small eyes. ... Don’t judge people by their looks. 不要以貌取 ... ...

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