
unit4 Don't eat in class Section A 1a-1c课件+音频(共30张PPT,含内嵌视频)人教版七年级下册

日期:2024-09-21 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:82次 大小:129082830Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Don’t eat in class. Section A1(1a-1c) Talk about rules 1 Tell rules to others 2 Identify(辨认) good behaviors (行为) and bad behaviors 3 Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Potter’s feeling: _____ Why: _____ sad break some rules follow the rules /ru l/ /bre k/ / fɑ lo / Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Task1: Please, help Potter find out the rules that she break. listen to music / l sn/ Rules Don’t listen to music in class. Rules fight /fa t/ Don’t fight! 不准打架。 Rules arrive late for class = be late for class / ra v/ Don’t arrive late for class. 上课不准迟到。 We must be on time. Rules run in the hallways / h :l we z/ Don’t run in the hallways. Rules We must eat in the dining hall. / da n / /h l/ Don’t eat in the classroom. Students choose cards. 1 Act out(表演). 2 Other students tell them the rules. 3 Task 2: Game Time Rule Song: Practice Rules and Dance Task3: Listen a conversation and answer the questions. 1. Don’t arrive late for class. You must be on time. 2. Don’t run in the hallways. 3. Don’t eat in the classroom. You must eat in the dinning hall. 4. Don’t listen to music in class. 5. Don’t fight. School Rules What rules are Peter, Amy and Mike breaking Peter Mike Amy Ms Clark: Hey, Peter. You know the _____. Don’t _____ in the _____. Peter: Sorry, Ms Clark. Mr. Smith: Amy, don’t _____ in the classroom. You _____ eat in the _____. Amy : Oh, sorry, Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith: Hey, Mike. Don’t _____ music in class, Mike! Boy : He can’t hear you, Mr Smith. run eat listen to /h (r)/听见 1. Are Amy and Peter polite(礼貌的) to the teacher Why 2. Does Mike say sorry to the teacher Why Yes. Because they say sorry to the teacher. No. Because he can’t hear the teacher. rules hallways must dining hall Task4:Discuss School rules family rules 1. Get your envelope (信封). 2. Discuss (讨论) rules in your group. 3. Write down the rules. Share. 1 Put the paper on the blackboard. 2 LEt's share school rules family rules Task5: Call Potter on Wechat. Call Potter on Wechat. 1. One student talks with Potter on Wechat. 2. Tell school rules or family rules. 3. Need to use: Don’t... / We must ... 4. Talk naturally (自然表达) Introduce (自我介绍). Greet (问候). Say goodbye. ...... Is the rule important Why Nothing can be done well without rules. 没有规矩, 不成方圆。 We must follow the rules. We can’t break the rules. Homework: Choose one to do A. Find some school rules in the USA and compare (比较) them with ours. B. Make a survey(调查): What rules of your classmates’ families are different(不同的) from yours tHANK YOU FOR YOUR LISTENING! good-bye

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