
人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 4Natural disasters Reading for Writing 课件(共34张PPT)

日期:2024-09-27 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:54次 大小:2830245Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 NATURAL DISASTERS 1. To read a news report about a natural disaster and two summaries of the news report; 2. To conclude what a summary is and how to write a summary; 3. To write a summary. Learning aims name of the newspaper title of the news report reporter and date a picture of a tsunami Leading-in What main points should be included in a news report about a natural disaster Time (when) Place (where) Cause (why) Damage (what) Rescue (how and what more to come) A News Report about a Tsunami What’s the main idea of the passage?_____ A.Something about the most powerful tsunami in Asia. B.The cause of the most powerful tsunami in Asia. C.The loss of the most powerful tsunami in Asia. D.How to rescue ourselves in times of disaster. A  Reading Comprehension Fast reading 1. When did the tsunami happen 2. What caused the tsunami 3. Why would it be difficult to deliver food and supplies 4. What do the numbers in the news report represent Careful reading 1. Read the passage and answer the following questions: 1. When did the tsunami happen “The most powerful earthquake in the past 40 years caused a tsunami that crashed into coastlines across Asia yesterday…” It happened on 26 December, 2004. 2. What caused the tsunami “Fishermen, tourists, hotels, homes, and cars were swept away by huge waves caused by the strong earthquake that reached a magnitude of 9.0.” A very powerful earthquake of 9.0-magnitude which happened under the sea off the west coast of Sumatra Island in Indonesia. 3. Why would it be difficult to deliver food and supplies Dangerous conditions and damaged roads will make it difficult to deliver food and supplies. 4. What do the numbers in the news report represent 40 1,600 9.0 1,000,000 7:00 1,900 1,870 254 40: The most powerful earthquake in the past 40 years caused the tsunami. 9.0: The strong earthquake reached a magnitude of 9.0. 7:00: The undersea quake struck around 7:00 a.m., Sunday. 1,870: In the west coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra Island alone, at least 1,870 people were killed. 1,600: Some 1,600 kilometres west of the quake centre, the number of deaths stood at 2,498, and one million more were affected by the tsunami. 1,900: As many as 1,900 were killed along the southern coast. 254: Another 254 people were found dead in Thailand, and in southern Thailand, 1,900 people were hurt. 2. Read the summary on Page 55. Check the main points it includes. □date □ time □ place □ event □ cause □ effect □ following events A summary of the news report √ √ √ √ √ 写作储备 阅读教材P55 Summary,提炼概要写作的写作方法。 Ⅰ.文体特点 概要写作具备说明重点和简短这两个特点。要求考生能够抓住原文的关键信息,抓住文章的主旨大意,并用简短凝练的语言将其概括表达出来。 概要写作 Writing Ⅱ.写作四部曲 1.确定体裁,明确主题及结构 体裁 结构 记叙文 人物+时间+地点+事件(起因+发展+结果) 说明文 事物的性质功能:对象+性质功能+利好 问题的解决方法或措施:问题+解决方法 现 ... ...

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