
2025届高考英语一轮复习 核心词汇复习Day seven~eight 导学案(含解析)

日期:2024-09-09 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:90次 大小:86992Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2025届高考核心词汇复习(知识清单+练习)Day 8 一、单词详解 1. bargain ['bɑ g n] (1)词性: 名词 (noun) (2)中文释义: 协议,交易,便宜货 (3)例句: They finally reached a bargain after hours of negotiation. (经过数小时的谈判,他们终于达成了协议。) I got a real bargain on this dress - it was 50% off! (这件衣服我真是捡到便宜了,打了五折!) (4)同义词: deal, agreement, pact (5)反义词: rip-off (敲竹杠) (6)搭配: strike a bargain (达成协议) drive a hard bargain (拼命压价) a good bargain (便宜货) (7)拓展词组: bargaining chip (谈判筹码): He used the information as a bargaining chip in the negotiations. bargain for/on something (预料到, 指望): We hadn't bargained on such a long wait. bargain basement (廉价商品部): I found a great winter coat in the bargain basement. (8)易错点拨: bargain 指的是双方都同意的协议,而并非单方面的低价。 (9)与其他近似单词的中文意思的辨析: bargain, deal: 都可以表示“交易”,但 bargain 更强调物超所值,而 deal 则更为中性。 bargain, sale: bargain 指的是一件商品的价格很便宜,而 sale 指的是商店的降价促销活动。 (10)帮助串记的例句: The customer haggled with the vendor to get a better bargain. (顾客与摊贩讨价还价,想买到更便宜的东西。) He made a bargain with the devil to gain wealth and power. (他与魔鬼做交易,以获得财富和权力。) 2. base [be s] (1)词性: 名词 (noun), 动词 (verb) (2)中文释义: (名词) 底部,基础,基地,根据 (动词) 以...为基础 (3)例句: The statue has a wide base. (这座雕像的底座很宽。) The company has its base in New York. (这家公司的总部设在纽约。) The movie is based on a true story. (这部电影是根据真实故事改编的。) (4)同义词: foundation, bottom, basis, headquarters (5)反义词: top, summit (6)搭配: at the base of (在...的底部) military base (军事基地) data base (数据库) base on (以...为基础) (7)拓展词组: base camp (大本营): The climbers set up their base camp at the foot of the mountain. off base (不正确的): Your assumptions about the situation are way off base. (8)易错点拨: base 作名词时,发音为 /be s/,重音在第一个音节。 base 作动词时,发音为 /be z/,重音在第二个音节。 (9)与其他近似单词的中文意思的辨析:base, basis: base 指的是具体的底部或基础,而 basis 则指抽象的基础或根据。 (10)帮助串记的例句: A strong foundation is essential for any successful endeavor, much like a sturdy base is crucial for a tall building. (坚实的基础对于任何成功的事业都是至关重要的,就像坚固的底座对于高层建筑至关重要一样。) 3. basement ['be sm nt] (1)词性: 名词 (noun) (2)中文释义: 地下室 (3)例句: We store our old furniture in the basement. (我们把旧家具存放在地下室。) They finished their basement and turned it into a family room. (他们装修了地下室,把它变成了家庭活动室。) (4)同义词: cellar (5)搭配: in the basement (在地下室) basement apartment (地下室公寓) basement floor (地下室楼层) (6)拓展词组: from the basement to the penthouse (从底层到顶层):His music appealed to everyone, from the basement to the penthouse. basement band (在地下室排练的乐队): The basement band practiced every w ... ...

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