
人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 4 Journey across a Vast Land Discover Useful Structures(共23张ppt,内嵌音频)

日期:2024-09-08 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:80次 大小:47433027Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Journey Across a Vast Land Discover Useful Structures 1.Summarize different usages between present participles (-ing form) and past participles (-ed form). 2. Use -ing form and -ed form to show emotions and act as adverbials. 3. Apply -ing form and -ed form to describing an tour plan. 4 .Make comments on others’ tour plan. By the end of the class, you are able to: Learning objectives Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Revision about Li Daiyu & Liu Qian’s journey Revision: Vancouver Toronto Halifax Journey across Canada 地图出自人教版新教材英语选择性必修第二册第45页 Li Daiyu 1. How long did Li’s journey last 3. How did they feel about her journey About ten days. 1._____ but rather _____. 2. It is a _____ journey and saw some _____ mountains. 2. Where did they first arrived Vancourver. Exhausted excited pleasing amazing Lead in: Li Daiyu’s wechat message: -ing vs. -ed feel exhausted feel excited amazing mountains a pleasing journey To show emotions To feel To make people feel 1. The girls were_____ to see such an open country. The farms covered a very large area, which was_____ 2. Going into the wilderness alone can be_____ Do you feel_____ when going into the wilderness alone 3. Listening to light music is quite _____ when we feel exhausted. I felt rather _____ after she offered me a massage. amazed amazing frightening frightened relaxed relaxing Ex.1 on P41 Learning and Understanding 1. We were pleased to see some beautiful mountains, _____. 2. The next morning, we were bound for Lake Louise, _____. 3. _____, the mountains and forest of Canada look massive. 4. In Ontario, the bushes and maple trees were red, gold, and orange, _____ _____. 5. _____, we both agreed that it was the most awesome journey we had ever taken. looking out over the city. passing through the Canadian Rockies. seen from the train window looking at the beautiful scenery comfirming that autumn had arrived in Canada. looking out over the city. passing through the Canadian Rockies. Seen from the train window comfirming that autumn had arrived in Canada. Looking at the beautiful scenery Q: What’s the function of -ing &-ed forms Act as adverbials(状语) to add more details, such as occasion, result, reason and so on. How to use -ing &-ed forms as adverbials Learning and Understanding 1. Looking at the beautiful scenery, we both agreed that it was the most awesome journey we had ever taken. 2. Seen from the train window, the mountains and forest of Canada look massive. 3. In Ontario, the bushes and maple trees were red, gold, and orange, comfirming that autumn had arrived in . 1. When we looked at the beautiful scenery, we both agreed.... 2. When/If they are seen from the train window, the mountains and forest .... 3. In Ontario, the bushes and maple trees..., so they confirmed that... -ing vs. -ed as adverbials adverbial clauses Learning and Understanding 1. Looking at the beautiful scenery, we both agreed that it w ... ...

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