
北师大版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 7 Art Topic Talk教案(表格式)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:14次 大小:618468Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Teaching Design Topic Unit 7 Art Period1 Topic Talk Period 1 Teacher Learning aims We will be able to: 1. read and talk about the art; 2. listen for general understanding; 3.listen for specific information and further understanding text; 4. share our love for art and improve communicative skills. Learning important and difficult points Important points: 1.Talk about art forms 2. Listening for general understanding Difficult points : 1.How describe the favorite art forms 2.Finish the listening tasks Text analysis [What] This lesson is a guide to the whole unit topic, which plays a role in creating the topic context and activating the unit knowledge during the whole unit topic exploration process. The text setting of this class begins with discussion, combining the pictures and the words given to talk about different art forms and whether you like them or not and the reasons why you like them. Then listen to the audio. [Why] Learn to express your favorite art forms in both spoken and written language. [How] Set listening and speaking activities related to the context of the topic of this unit, so that students can further explore the meaning of the topic under the guidance of the task, and improve their English application ability. Analysis of learning situation As senior 1 students, they have a certain awareness of art and pursue their favorite art dreams . Most of the students have mastered a certain amount of English vocabulary but their reading comprehension and critical thinking ability are relatively weak. Therefore, in the teaching process. it is necessary to combine the actual situation of students, actively mobilize the enthusiasm of students, stimulate students' thinking and expression ability. Teaching procedures Teaching procedures StepⅠ Warming up 1. Play a short video about what art forms are mentioned in the video Answer: Traditional Tibetan dance performance-Baron drum dance 2.Ask students to brainstorm different forms of art. For example, painting, dancing, concert, etc. Brainstorm different forms of art on the board, e.g., Beijing Opera, band performance, painting and dancing, classical /pop / country / jazz / rock music, dance / drama,comedy,ballet calligraphy exhibitions,sculpture,poetry,cross talk... Ask students what’s their favorite art forms Why Example: I like _____best, because they are really _____ Expressing Likes:ReasonsI love … I enjoy … I adore I’m crazy about … I’m keen onwonderful 2. amazing 3. colourful 4. energetic 5. exciting 6. elegant talented 8. modern 9. special 10. traditional 11. interesting Step Ⅱ Listening Listen to dialogue 1 Pre-listening Introduce the background knowledge of classical music to students, and encourage them to predict the content of the dialogue boldly. What’s the dialogue about The dialogue is about the art forms , artists / performers and components that the speaker likes best. While-listening Ask students to listen to the dialogue and complete it by ticking(√) the words or ... ...

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