北师大版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 6 The Admirable Lesson 1 A medical pioneer教案
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教学设计 Unit 6 The Admirable Lesson 1 A Medical Pioneer 第1课时 【教材分析】 本节课是北师大版高中英语第二册Unit 6 The Admirable的第一课A Medical Pioneer,课型是阅读课。本节课主要内容是介绍了中国获得诺贝尔医学奖的科学家屠呦呦的故事,并介绍了她和她的团队是如何利用中药发现了治疗疟疾的故事。通过学习本课,使学生们了解中国获得诺贝尔奖的历史性时刻,还让学生懂得任何成功的背后都离不开不懈的努力和奋斗。此外,学生通过学习本课,还了解到了新闻报道类文章的结构框架。 【教学目标】 By the end of the class, students are able to: Language objective: read for general understanding and use some expressions related to Tu. Ability objectives: find specific information in the text and express their ideas about Tu’s personal quality. 3. Emotional objective: learn something from the good qualities of great people, and motivate themselves to learn the fighting spirit of great people in their study and life. 【教学重点】 Reading for specific information about Tu Youyou 【教学难点】 Summarizing Tu’s personal qualities based on the text 【教学过程】 教学目标 教学活动与步骤 设计意图 评价 时间 引入主题 Step 1: Activate and share By playing words competition to activate words revision; Step2: The teacher shows some pictures and plays a short video to lead the students to talk about who are the medicine pioneers and what information they know about Tu Youyou. 通过采用希沃白板里面的小游戏进行词汇竞赛激活学生上课的欲望,调动学习英语的积极性。 展示图片,结合新冠疫情背景,引入话题“医学先锋”,通过短视频和蒙层技术手段增强课堂的活跃性和生动性,并播放屠呦呦的短视频,激活学生用英语介绍屠呦呦,从而引起学生对该主题的兴趣。这个环节中实用技术融合手段让学生进行刮刮乐小游戏了解更多有关屠呦呦的信息。 学生对开课前的Words Competition活动和观看屠呦呦的短视频很感兴趣,很顺利地导入本节课的学习。 5’ 快速阅读并获取新闻报道文章的框架结构 Step 3: Read for general understanding Ask students read and divide the whole text into three parts and match the corresponding main ideas. 学生通过阅读检验预测,将文章分为三部分并连线大意,获取新闻报道的框架结构。在这一部分中采纳技术融合手段让学生亲自上台用托拉拽和连线形式来完成general information. 学生能够划分语篇结构并进行每部分的主题大意的匹配。 3’ 分析文章框架结构 Step4: Ask students to drag and put the structure of the news report in order. 让学生明白新闻报道文体的结构,便于以后的阅读中能够把握这种文体的结构.本部分的技术手段是托拉拽形式,让学生亲自感受新闻报道问题的结构框架。 学生很轻松地了解这种文体。 1’ 细读文章并获取细节信息 Step 5: Read for detailed information (1) Ask Ss to read the first paragraph and find out six elements. (2) Ask Ss to read the paras.2-4 carefully and find out some detailed information of Tu Youyou to complete the blanks in a mind map. (3) Ask Ss to read the para.5 and find out the detailed information about Tu Youyou`s attitudes toward her fame and future research. (4) Ask Ss to show their answers and check whether the answers are true or false together. 学生通过细读课文,构建思维导图,梳理关于屠呦呦人生经历及成功之路的细节信息, ... ...