
专题01 完形填空--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考真题+2年模拟 (贵州专用)(含解析版答案)

日期:2024-09-20 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:88次 大小:550809Byte 来源:二一课件通
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专题01 完形填空--【真题荟萃】3年(2022-2024)中考 2年模拟 (贵州专用) (2024·贵州·中考真题)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Phoebe Snetsinger had just returned from a trip to Alaska when her doctors told her that she had cancer. She had less than a year to live. Phoebe was 50. As soon as she heard the 1 , she decided to spend the rest of her life doing what she loved most—watching birds. She immediately went off to some of the world’s most amazing natural places. Her 2 were very hard. But Phoebe surprised her doctors and her family as she carried on travelling. A year came and went, and she was still 3 . She was doing something that she loved and that helped her to be healthy for another ten 4 . The cancer came back, but even then Phoebe Snetsinger decided not to 5 . At the age of 61, when she had seen 7,530 species (物种), she was named “the world’s leading bird spotter (观察者)”. In Missouri, Phoebe 6 a group of people who were interested in birds and plants around the Mississippi River. She became very worried about 7 and its bad influence on the environment. “We have to protect nature,” she said. “If we don’t, people won’t be able to enjoy 8 these beautiful birds in the future.” Sadly, when Phoebe was 68, she died in a car accident. Four years later, the American Birding Association 9 her memoirs (回忆录), Birding on Borrowed Time. Many people have enjoyed reading this 10 book. It isn’t just a story about a bird spotter’s travels, but a touching human record of how her hobby helped her to live much longer than expected. 1.A.story B.news C.play 2.A.trips B.tasks C.exams 3.A.alive B.confident C.famous 4.A.days B.months C.years 5.A.stop B.share C.prepare 6.A.changed B.joined C.described 7.A.safety B.pollution C.health 8.A.watching B.drawing C.helping 9.A.copied B.discussed C.published 10.A.thick B.expensive C.moving (2023·贵州·中考真题)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入各题空白处的最佳选项。 A gentleman needed a young man to help him in his office, so he put an advertisement in a newspaper. Nearly fifty people applied for the job. He in a short time 11 one and sent the rest away. “I should like to know,” said a friend, “why did you 12 that young man, who didn’t bring a recommendation(推荐信) with him ” “You are mistaken,” said the gentleman. “He had a great many.” “He wiped his feet at the door and 13 the door after him, showing that he was tidy and orderly.” “He gave up his seat immediately to that old man, indicating that he was 14 and thoughtful.” “He took off his cap when he came in and answered my questions without delay(延迟), showing that he was polite and a 15 thinker.” “He lifted up the book which I had purposely laid on the floor, and 16 it on the table, while all the rest stepped over it, or kicked it aside, showing that he was careful.” “And he waited 17 for his turn instead of pushing t ... ...

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