
lesson 10 Where is my dog?课件(2个课时)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:29次 大小:1421957Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件12张PPT。科普版小学英语四年级上册Lesson 10第三课时Warm upWhere is my dog?Listen and choosePresentation near-ere -earherePresentation hair-airchairPresentation there-erewherePresentationmorning-ngsingListen, point and readRead and choose选出下面每组单词中划线部分发音不同的一项。( )1. A. there B. here C. where ( )2. A. chair B. ear C. hair ( )3. A. sing B. English C. morning ( )4. A. air B. pair C. here ( )5. A. near B. here C. there BBBCCSummary-ere -ear /??/ here near -air /e?/ hair chair -ere /e?/ where there -ng /?/ morning sing Homework 给爸爸妈妈读一读Listen, point and read部分。(使用‘学乐师生’APP录音,分享给全班同学。) The End课件11张PPT。科普版小学英语四年级上册Lesson 10第一课时Where is my dog?Warm upGood morning, Tom. PresentationCan you help me find him?帮助找到I can’t find my dog, Tammy.Tammy isn’t near here. Presentationnear here: 在这附近under the chairPresentationunder 在……下Where is he? my dear dogPresentationRole- playI can find my dog, Tammy. Can you help me find him?Yes, we can.使用‘学乐师生’APP录音,分享给全班同学。PracticeI can find my pen. Can you help me find it?Yes, I can.Summary单词: morning 上午 here 这里 near 在……附近 chair 椅子 dear 亲爱的 under 在……下 句型:Can you help me find him? He isn’t near here. Where is he? He is there. Under the chair. Homework1.把Let’s talk给爸爸妈妈读一遍。 2.把新学的单词在四线三格里抄写一遍,看谁写得更漂亮。 The End

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