ID: 20971376

Unit 3 Lesson 15 My Helmet Saved My Life!课件(共24张PPT,内嵌音频) 2024-2025学年英语冀教版九年级全一册

日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:16次 大小:8284289B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 3 Lesson 15 My Helmet Saved My Life! 1.学习目标 3.重点探究 2.自主学习 学习导航 5.当堂检测 6.课堂总结 4.拓展提升 新课导入 How do you get to school 学习目标 1.掌握本课单词:helmet sudden wham blood knee bleed sharp rock stick scary goodness stranger careless 2.能掌握并正确运用本课词组短语:① all of a sudden=suddenly 突然,猛地 ②go down 掉下去 ③so…that如此…以至于…④lie down 躺下⑤take off 摘下;脱掉 ⑥stick out of 从…伸出来 3.了解骑自行车应注意的安全事项。 自主学习 sudden / s dn/ 突然(的) e.g.All of a sudden she didn't look sleepy any more. blood /bl d/ 血 e.g. His torn clothes were soaked in blood. bleed /bli:d/ 流血;失血 e.g. His head had struck the sink and was bleeding. knee /ni:/ 膝;膝盖 e.g. We put a bandage on his knee. sharp / ɑ:p/ 锋利的;尖锐的 e.g. Using a sharp knife, cut away the pith from the apple. e.g. She bent down, picked up a rock and threw it into the trees. rock /r k/ 碎石;岩石 stick /st k/ 插入;穿入 e.g. The bad people stick a knife in her arm just now. e.g. Do not open the door for any strangers! stranger / stre nd (r)/ 陌生人 e.g. A careless driver is a danger to the public. careless / ke l s/ 粗心的 重点探究 My name is Jackie. I like cycling. It was a beautiful fall day. I was out riding my bicycle. I guess I rode over a hole in the road. All of a sudden,WHAM! I went down hard on my right side. That really hurt! My head hit the ground. I lay there for a few minutes. I tried to get up,but I couldn't!“There's something wrong with me,”I thought. I felt so terrible that I lay down again. Then I saw blood on my shoe. My hand and knee were bleeding. As I lay there,I took off my helmet. There was a sharp rock sticking out of it. It was pretty scary to look at. Thank goodness I wore my helmet! I shouted for help. A stranger stopped his truck and came to help me. He put my bike in the back of his truck and drove me to the hospital. When my mother got to the hospital,she gave me a big hug. “I'm so glad you were wearing your helmet,”she said. She knew I was careless and did not always wear my helmet. But I'll never be careless again!My bicycle helmet saved my life! Dig In Cycling is fun. But before getting on a bicycle,you should double check the following things: 1.You have a helmet. A helmet protects your head,which can get hurt in a bicycle accident. 2.The brakes work OK. No brakes,no cycling. 3.The light is still working. Being able to see is really important at night. 4.The tyres are neither too full nor too flat. This will ensure that you have a pleasant trip. 1.all of a sudden _____ 2.go down _____…that… _____ 4.lie down _____ 5.take off _____ 6.stick out of _____ 7.thank goodness _____ 突然 倒下 如此……以至于…… 躺下 脱下 从……伸出来 谢天谢地 practice 1 Read the lesson and write true(T)or false(F). 1.She was riding her bicycle when she fell. (  ) 2.Her head hit the ground. (  ) 3.She stood up and shouted for help. (  ... ...

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