
Module 2 Unit 5 Animals in danger 分层作业(含解析)

日期:2024-10-04 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:66次 大小:852463Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2024-2025学年六上英语分层作业Module 2 Unit5 Animals in danger (沪教牛津版-深圳用) 基础练习 一、汉译英。 1.千 2.野生环境 3.蓝鲸 4.华南虎 5.方式 6.死亡 7.学习 8.寄,送 二、填空题 (一. 用单词正确形式填空) 9.Joy (find) a baby tiger on her way home, and she took care of her. 10.Yesterday I (send) a postcard to my cousin. 11.There are three (sheep) on the hill. 12.Listen! The birds (be) singing in the sky. 13.Mr Lee (like) candy when he was a little boy. Now he (not like) it any more. 14.—Where were you yesterday I (not see) you. —I (go) to the zoo. 15.The little bird is in danger. Its parents (die) yesterday. (二. 看图完成句子) 16.—What your grandfather do when he was 25 years old —He was a . 17.In the , there were many , but now they are in danger. 18.There were many African in the past. But now they are in . We should protect them. 19.In the past, there were tigers, but now there are only about thirty in the wild. 20.There were no in our school in the past. But now there are 120 computers. 21.It's a . It's so big. 能力提升 三、选择题 22.There are two _____ robots in the museum, and of people come to see them. ( ) A.hundreds; thousand B.hundreds; thousands C.hundred; thousands 23.—How many blue whales are there in the wild now ( ) —_____ A.About 10 thousand. B.About thirty hundred. C.About one thousand. 24.—_____ ( ) —We can protect their home. A.Why are these animals in danger B.Where do the wild animals live C.What can we do to help wild animals 25.In the past there were many South China tigers, but now there is likely none in the wild. The South China tigers are _____. We should help them. ( ) A.safe B.in danger C.dangerous 26.Today more and more people want to save those wild animals _____. ( ) A.in the wild B.in danger C.in dangerous 27.There are about _____ wild dogs in Moscow in Russia. ( ) A.thirty-five thousands B.thirty-five thousand C.thirty-five thousands of 28.There _____ many wild animals before but now there _____. ( ) A.was; aren’t B.weren’t; are C.were; aren’t 29.Last Monday, I met Tom on my way _____ school. And I met him again on my way _____ home. ( ) A.to; / B.to; to C./; / 30.你想表达过去有很多只熊猫,你应该说:( ) A.In the past, there were few pandas. B.In the past, there were many pandas. C.In the past, there were many tigers. 四、连词成句 31.weeks, Joy, Elsa, lived, for, and, many, together (.) 32.is, protect, animals, it, to, important (.) 五、句型转换 33.These animals are in danger. (变为一般疑问句) 拓展达标 六、从所给出的句子中选出合适的完成对话。 Kitty: Hi, Sally! 34 Sally: Yes, I do. I know a wild animal called golden monkey. Kitty: I never see this animal before. 35 Sally: It is very famous in China. Its hair is yellow and gold. It is very beautiful. Kitty: Are there many golden monkeys in the wild now Sally: No, there’re not. There were many of them in the past. 36 Kitty: Why are these animals in danger Sally: 37 Wild ... ...

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