ID: 20992515

人教版(2019) 选择性必修第四册 Unit 2 Iconic Attractions Learning About Language教学设计(表格式)

日期:2024-10-18 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:64次 大小:74324B 来源:二一课件通
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学科课程、特殊教育教学设计 课程基本信息 学科 高中英语 年级 高二年级 学期 春季 课题 人教版选择性必修第四册 Unit 2 Iconic Attractions (Period 3) The Review of Past Participles 教科书 书名:人教版(2019) -出卷网-:人民教育-出卷网- 出版日期:2020年8月 教学目标 Students will be able to: 1.summarize different functions of past participles through reading exercises 通过主题语境阅读,学生能够归纳过去分词在不同情境中发挥的语用功能。 2.identify the differences between past participles and present participles through observation. 通过个人探究和小组合作,学生能够概述过去分词与现在分词在语法规则上的差异。 3.make proper use of past participles through writing practices. 通过句式改写和写作练习,学生能够灵活运用过去分词进行细节描写,表达相关主题。 4.realize the importance of homeland and strive for their dreams. 通过赏析电影片段,学生能够深刻理解家的意义,树立为梦想努力奋斗的价值观。 教学内容 教学重点: 1.教师创设以电影“寻梦环游记”为主题的情境,引导学生采取自主学习和合作探究相结合 的方式,总结过去分词的基本用法及句法功能。 2.在不同的语境中,教师引领学生使用过去分词进行口语和写作的输出练习,恰当使用目标 语表达个人观点。 教学难点: 1.通过梳理过去分词和现在分词在语用方面的区别,教师引导学生掌握过去分词的综合句法 功能。 2.基于语篇中的故事情节,教师指导学生开展批判性思考,用过去分词进行故事重述及主题 鉴赏。 教学过程 Step1.Lead-in:A Guessing Game Present students with the following descriptions of great people.Students are required to make a guess about who is being described.Then they find out what these two sentences have in common in terms of grammar. 1. Acknowledged as the greatest pop singer,he creates a unique dancing style known as moonwalk 2.Being courageous and determined,he is a leader devoted to fighting for the black people. 【设计意图】教师通过一组猜测游戏,激活学生对原有非谓语动词的相关知识,激发学生对 复习过去分词用法的兴趣。 Step2.Presentation:Video-watching 1.Students enjoy a short video about the story to get a general idea of the movie COCO. 2.Students figure out the answers to the following four questions. (1)What is Coco's father in the story (2)What did Coco's mother do after she and her daughter were "deserted" (3)How did Miguel enter the Land of the Dead (4)How could everyone live forever in the Land of the Dead 【设计意图】教师选择了以“家和梦想”为主题的电影COCO 作为贯穿本课的主题语境。先 以短片的方式,让学生了解故事情节和人物关系,并预设4个与故事情节直接相关,同时需 要用到目标语言回答的问题,从而使学生在获知故事情节的同时,感知并总结过去分词的四 个句法功能。 Step 3.Read and Discover Students are given three minutes to scan the passage and fill in the following chart.Here are some grammatical terms for reference. Grammatical Terms(语法术语):过去分词: past participle;现在分词:present participle;被 动关系:passive relationship;主动关系:active relationship;定语:attribute; 表语:predicative; 宾补:object complement,状语:adverbial. Function Demonstration attribute family; a the curse upon him: musician; an the guitar. predicative Miguel was ... ...

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