ID: 21015591

Unit 2 I'd like a hamburger PartD-PartF课件(21张PPT)

日期:2024-10-27 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:47次 大小:28776818B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) (湘少版) 英语 五年级 上 让教学更有效 Unit 2 I’d like a hamburger Part D —Part F Review hamburger Coke fish chicken beef sandwich 1.Who wants to eat fish? It’s lunch time. The children would like some food and drinks for lunch. What would they like Let's have a look . Before that, I have some questions for you! Part D Let's Read 2.Who wants to eat chicken? Part D Let's Read I’m hungry. I’d like some fish and beef. I’d like two sandwiches and some coffee. Part D Let's Read I’m not very hungry. I’d like a hamburger and some fish. I’d like a cup of tea. Part D Let's Read I’d like some chicken and a Coke. Part D Let's Read Read and answer Tom and Amy. 1.Who wants to eat fish? 2.Who wants to eat chicken? Mike. Part D Let's Read Fill in the form. Name Food Drink Tom Amy Mike some fish and beef, two sandwiches a hamburger and some fish some chicken some coffee a cup of tea a Coke Part E Let's Write Write and draw. What would you like for lunch _____ _____ _____ _____ Draw here: I’d like some beef, a hamburger and a cup of tea for lunch. Practise Who talks a lot I’d like some fish. I’d like… I’d like… I’d like… Part F Let's Have Fun Look at these pictures. They tell us a story. Part F Let's Have Fun Put the sentences in order. Dino takes one lick and finishes all the ice cream. Tim is unhappy. Now he has no ice cream! Tim is eating a delicious ice cream. Dino asks for some and Tim agrees. 3 4 1 2 Practise 一、根据汉语提示写单词。 1.I' d like a (汉堡包). 2.What would you (想要)? 3. Here's your (食物). 4.I like (三明治). 5.Can I (帮助)you hamburger like food sandwiches help Practise 二、单项填空。 ( )1.I’d like two . A. sandwiches B. sandwich C.sandwichs ( )2. would you like A.When B.How C.What ( )3.Here your food. B.are A C C ( )4.We like . A.sandwich B. hamburgers C.hamburger ( )5. She would a cup of tea. A. like B. good C.well 二、单项填空。 Practise B A Practise 三、汉译英。 1.我想要杯茶。 2.我想要些鱼和牛肉。 3.我不是很饿。 4.我想要些鸡肉和可乐。 I’d like some fish and beef. I’d like a cup of tea. I’m not very hungry. I’d like some chicken and a Coke. 1.fish作食物时为不可数名词。 2.末尾为—ch结束的单词复 数形式在后面加es。 Language points 单词 Homework 1.熟读Part D。 2.用所学句型尝试和家人一起进行点餐游戏。 see you next time!

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