ID: 21019225

Unit 5 Can I have a pet PartD-PartF课件(19张PPT)

日期:2024-10-12 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:44次 大小:23118164B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) (湘少版) 英语 五年级 上 让教学更有效 Unit 5 Can I have a pet Part D — Part F Review —Can I have a ... —Yes, you can./ No, you can't. 1.What did they buy Jane and her father just came out of the pet shop. Let's go and have a look together. Before that, I have some questions for you! Part D Let's Read 2.How does her mom feel Part D Let's Read This is a pet shop. “Can I have a pet, Dad ” Jane asks. “Yes, you can,” her father says. Jane chooses a beautiful parrot. She and her father go home with the parrot. They are very happy. Part D Let's Read The parrot can talk. He talks to Jane every day. But he is not nice to Jane’s mother. Her mother is not happy. “Can you take it back to the pet shop ” She asks Jane. Part D Let's Read Read and answer A beautiful parrot. 1.What did they buy 2.How does her mom feel She is not happy. Part D Let's Read True or false 1.Jane wants a pet shop. 2.Jane likes the parrot. 3.The parrot is very beautiful. 4.The parrot can talk. 5.Jane’s mother likes the pet. F T T T F Part E Let's Write Jane's mother does not like the parrot. What will Jane do then She will take the parrot back to the pet shop. She will say to the shopkeeper, “ She will talk to her mother. She will say to her mother, “ She will talk to her father. She will say to her father, “ ” ” ” Part E Let's Write 1. She will take the parrot back to the pet shop. She will say to the shopkeeper, “ ” Sorry. I can’t keep this parrot. Part E Let's Write 2.She will talk to her mother. She will say to her mother, “_____” I’ll teach the parrot, he will be nice to you. Part E Let's Write 3.She will talk to her father. She will say to her father, “_____ _____” I like this parrot. Please tell my mother I don’t want to take it back to the pet shop. Part F Let's Have Fun Sing together. The Doggie in the Window How much is that doggie in the window The one with the waggly tail. How much is that doggie in the window I do hope that doggie’s for sale. Practise 一、小兔子外出玩耍不小心迷路了。它只有沿着动物类单词路线走才能回到家。赶快帮它画出路线吧! Practise 二、单选。 ( )1. —Can I have a pet —Yes, you . A.are B.can't C.can ( )2. , can I look at the doggie, please A.Excuse me B. Sorry C.OK ( )3. Where your pets A. is B.are ( )4.You can a rabbit. A.having B.have have ( )5.It lovely. B.are C A B B A 1.take ... back 把······拿回去 2.say to ... 和······说 Language points 单词 Homework 1. 熟读Part D。 2. 把所学歌曲唱给家人听。 see you next time!

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