ID: 21048542

Unit 1 Hello! 第1课时 Cartoon time 教案(含反思)

日期:2024-12-02 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:72次 大小:1463806B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 Hello! 第1课时Cartoon time教学设计 1. 语言能力:在语境中使用Hello! I’m …与别人打招呼并介绍自己。 2. 学习能力:学会运用Hello/Hi! I’m …向别人问好;掌握I’m =I am的缩写与全 写形式;掌握字母Aa/Bb/Cc/Dd的读音及书写占格。 3. 思维品质:注意使用礼貌用语向别人问好。 4. 文化意识:尝试认识新朋友。 1. 能会说,会用 Hello/Hi向对方打招呼及运用句型I’m…介绍自己。 2. 能比较流畅地朗读Cartoon的对话。 3. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型向对方打招呼及介绍自己。 4. 能掌握字母Aa/Bb/Cc/Dd的读音及书写占格。 三年级学生作为英语的初学者,在开学第一次见面、上课、下课的情景中,学习了简单的打招呼用语。学生对英语充满好奇心,他们思维活跃,活泼好动,善于表现自己,乐于与同学交流,需培养其批判性思维和创造性思维。 教学工具:PPT,课文视频,音频 教学方法:情境创设法,任务教学法,问题导入法 Step I: Warm up 1. Let’s meet some new friends. (Show pictures of characters in the textbook) Let’s say “Hello” to these new friends. 【设计意图】学生学习英语之初,先认识教材主线人物,易于教师后续开展情境教学的学习任务。 2. Sing a song T: Before the class, let’s sing a song. (After listening) T: Do you like this song Today we will learn something about it. 【设计意图】本环节欣赏一首与本节课主题相关的歌曲,既能够激发课堂氛围,又引导学生进入本节课主题。 3. Free talk T: Now let’s have a free talk. “If you meet some new friends, how do you greet them ” S1: Hello!… S2: Hi!… 【设计意图】通过自由对话,一问一答的形式引导学生说出一些积累的简单日常用语,便于切入本课主题。 Step II: Presentation 1. Words time T: Look at the first picture and try to read the word. S: hello T: Good! Now let’s listen to the audio to imitate the word. (Play the audio) S: hello …… 【设计意图】先学习生词,扫清课文学习障碍。 2. Cartoon time (1) Read and answer: How do Bobby and Sam greet each other (Lead in text learning in the form of questions) (2) Look and guess. (Look at the picture and guess the conversation) T: Do you know Mike He is a helpful boy in his home. Answer these questions after watching the video. (3) Answer the question. (Show the last picture of the text to answer the Big question) (4) Lead in the key sentence. 介绍自己:I’m+名字。[I’m=I am] 【设计意图】本环节通过问题导入教学法,带着问题观察图片猜测对话内容,掌握Cartoon的大意,找到Big question的答案,并掌握介绍自己的重点句型。 3. Imitate it. (Follow the text and imitate reading) 【设计意图】通过跟读课文录音模仿阅读Cartoon,培养学生在阅读时要有正确的语音语调意识。 Step III: Practice 1. Read and tick T: Look at the picture. Which one is our new friend 【设计意图】通过做练习回忆教材主线人物。 2. Act it out T: Act out the story in your groups. Share it in three minutes. 【设计意图】组内合作,角色扮演表演Cartoon,情境化学习激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 3. Imagine and out T: Imagine you meet your classmate in the park in the morning. How do you greet him/her Please make up a dialogue based on the picture. S: girl: Good morning! … boy: Good morning! 【设计意图】通过出示公园图片为学生创设情境,要求学生根据所学为图中人物创编对话,再次巩固今日所学的主要句 ... ...

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