

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:87次 大小:29484Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024人教版八年级上册Units1--3暑假预习短文语法填空检测 一、阅读填空:本大题共10小题,共100分。 1.Now traveling is becoming more and more popular. My family are very (1)(interest) in traveling. Last summer my parents and I (2) (spend) a few weeks in England. We think it’s a good time to visit London. The weather there was not very hot because (3)the rain. So there were a lot of (4)(visit). We stayed in a small village close (5) London. We had most of our sightseeing on foot. While traveling, we met lots of (6)(friend) people. Quite a few people think English food is terrible. But we didn’t think (7). In fact, we (8) (enjoy) our vacation very much. So we decide (9)(go) there next year. This time we are going to take some umbrellas, (10) the weather there is really changeable. (1) _____(2) _____(3) _____(4) _____(5) _____ (6) _____(7) _____(8) _____(9) _____(10) _____ 2. Sometimes we meet (1) (某事) terrible, and we feel (2) (bore). It (3) (seem) that the world comes to an end. Not (4) (所有人) can have a good idea. How do you solve the problem by (5) (you) Of (6) (当然), different people have different ways. Someone may keep a (7) (日记), and others ask for help. For me, I help my grandmother feed her (8) (母鸡) in the yard. She also keeps a (9) (猪). It enjoys (10) (eat). They look cute. When I look at them, I feel relaxed. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 3.Claire and Emma are good friends. They often share(分享)something with each other in their free time. Claire is from Beijing, China. Emma is from Sydney, Australia. They often have a (1) (full) weekend. It is 8:00 a.m. in Beijing now. Claire s grandfather is exercising. He (2) (exercise) in the park every day. Claire s mother is making breakfast for the family in the kitchen. She is good (3) cooking and she can make delicious food. Claire s father is watching TV (4) (program) in the living room. Claire s brother is still in his room (5) he is sleeping. He usually gets up late at weekends. What about Claire She just helps her mother clean the room and now she is (6) (swing) in the garden. Then she sends a message to Emma. At the moment(时刻), it is 11:00 a.m. in Sydney. Emma s father enjoys (7) (read) magazines, so he is sitting on the sofa and reading magazines. Emma s mother is also cooking in the kitchen. She is cooking (8) special dish. Emma s brother isn t at home now. He goes to the (9) (movie) with his friends. How about Emma She usually plays chess with her grandma (10) (two) a week. So after replying(回复)to Claire, she decides to play chess. It is a good way to relax for her. Emma can also spend time with her grandma as they play together. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 4. Joy loves instant noodles(方便面). She eats them at least (1) (one) a week. She has a way to make them more delicious. She (2) (write) , “Although I know it is not good (3) me to eat a lot, I still love instant noodles—I think they are cheap and delicious. When I cook (4) (they), I often ... ...

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