

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:36次 大小:32536Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024人教版八年级上册Units1--3暑假预习选词填空检测 一、选词填空-短文:本大题共10小题,共100分。 1 eat something think be take anything feed nothing During this vacation, I took a trip to Chengdu with my friends. We booked(预订)a hotel before we left Xi an because we all (1) it was important to have a good sleep. We didn t bring (2) unnecessary(不必要的)such as food. It only took us two hours to get there. When everything (3) OK, we set off at nine o clock. We arrived in Chengdu at 11:00 p.m. and there was (4) to do but sleep. The next day, we went to the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding(成都大熊猫繁育研究基地). Pandas were so lovely and we (5) many photos of them. Some workers (6) and washed them, while others played with them. The pandas lived a very happy life there. In this base, we also (7) some special ice-cream. When I left Chengdu, I bought (8) for my little sister and she liked it very much. It was really an exciting trip. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 2. decide they special year find wait of or enough love idea small How do you spend your vacations Do you travel (1) just stay at home and watch TV As for Wang Ziyue, he had a(n) (2) way to spend his vacations. The boy usually ran a mobile(可移动的)library. Wang got the (3) of building a library in 2018. At the time, he was spending his summer vacation at his grandmother s home in a town in Taizhou, Zhejiang. He (4) that many children in the town watched TV all day on their vacation. Because they had few books at home. Wang (5) to help them. During the winter vacation in 2019, he chose(挑选)over 500 books and took (6) back to the town. He built a library to share his books with others. His library helped to make some children begin to (7) reading. Many kids thought their vacations were happier than before because (8) the library. But Wang didn t stop there. He made a cart(手推车)into a mobile library. On market days, he took his cart to the market. So more children could read the books. In the past (9) , Wang has helped hundreds of children. Many people praise(称赞)Wang for what he has done. They say although the library is (10) , it is really a big help to children in the town. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 3. wonderful because at learn diary her world model see to bored seem Linda is a student in Class 1, Grade 8. Yesterday (1) English teacher took the whole(整个的)class to the World Park to have a school trip. It was a fine warm day. It took them about two hours to get (2) the park by bus. It was a long journey and students all felt a little (3) . When they reached the park, all of them couldn t wait to get off the bus. Soon the whole (4) was there in front of them. They could see (5) of many places of interest from all over the world. The models are small but (6) . They were very excited when they (7) the model Eiffel Tower made of steel(钢铁). The model Golden Gate Bridge looked as great as the one in America. Linda could not believe(相信)he ... ...

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