

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:31次 大小:28069Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024人教版八年级上册Units1--3暑假预习语法填空检测 一、单句语法填空:本大题共80小题,共80分。 1.We like the young man, but we (like) his way of living. 2.If he doesn t come, I ll keep (wait). 3.Some (duck) are swimming happily in the river. 4.Lily really enjoys (take) photos. 5.Think hard and do it by (you). Nobody can do it for you. 6.My parents (seem) to enjoy the opera because they looked very happy. 7.I visited a few (museum) to learn more about my city. 8.I (study) hard for tests in the library last summer vacation. 9.I taught some children to dance in a dance club and took (photo) for them sometimes. 10.I just read books at home at that time and I (meet) some people from another world, like Harry Potter. 11.During the summer vacation, I (stay) at home and learned to play the guitar. 12.The Old Town of Lijiang is popular with people for its beautiful old (build). 13.The teacher s help made a big (different) to my life. 14.Listening to some music can help you (relaxing). 15.Last week we went to two famous (beach). 16.On this street, you can see a tall (build). 17.My school life is (wonder). I like my new school. 18.My mother wants me _____ (eat) a lot of vegetables. 19.Today I feel like _____ (play) sports. 20.They tried their best _____ (do) the experiment, but failed. 21.We made a (decide) to help the old people in the people's home. 22.We all like the activity and nobody gets _____ (boring). 23.What about _____ (walk) along the river after supper 24.Jean and Tara are my good ____ (friend). And they are always __ (friend) to others. 25.It is important for us to keep _____ (diary), because it can improve our writing. 26. Tina went to the _____ (mountain) last weekend. 27.Did you do _____ (something) interesting on vacation 28.He is very (health), because he often exercises. 29.We were very (surprise) when we heard the news(新闻). 30.He wants to be a (write) when he grows up. 31. (start) exercising before it s too late! 32.Drinking milk every day is good for our (healthy). 33.I couldn t believe the team finished 20 (point) ahead. 34.I often exercise one to three (time) a week. 35.Think (two) before deciding something important. 36.This girl visits her grandparents (one) a week. 37.John likes watching movies a lot. He goes to the cinema (one) a week. 38.Cut the grass at least (two) a month. 39.His father is a great _____(write). Many people like his books. 40.This book is really interesting. I have read it many (time). 41.My schoolbag is (fill) of books. It's too heavy. 42.Ann threw away(扔掉) the (die) flowers. 43.His mother likes going (shop) on weekends. 44.Mike often helps his old grandparents (do) their housework. 45.I have to go (shop) with my mother this afternoon. 46.Jim usually (have) meat and vegetables for dinner. 47.The best way (learn) English is through reading loudly. 48.We often borrow novels and (magazine) from our school library. 49.I like English very much. I watch English movies (two) a week. 50.The little boy (swing) his ... ...

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