

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:59次 大小:28964Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024人教版八年级上册Units1--3暑假预习词汇检测 一、单词拼写-单句:本大题共80小题,共80分。 1.Helen: Yes, I did. It was wonderful! We took quite a f (1) photos there. What about you Did you do anything special last month Rick: Not really. I just stayed at home m (2) of the time to read and relax. 2.Mary had (没有什么) for lunch and she felt (饥饿的) . 3.On the (顶部) of the hill, we could see the big river (在...下面) . 4.Tina gave her (伞)to the little kid, so she got (湿的)in the rain. 5. (大多数)kids know it s important to study hard. 6.—Would you like some bread, Jill —No, thanks. I m not h . 7.I washed my jacket yesterday but it s still w today. So I have to wear another one. 8.There are (很少)eggs at home. Let s go and buy some in the shop. 9.There are 40 students in our class. And m of us, about 35, go to school by bike. 10.I like reading but my sister (不喜欢)it. 11.We can plant some vegetables on the top of the h . 12.Mark wrote a lot of d when he worked in China. 13.He s_____ to know the bad news. He looked sad. 14.There are many outdoor a_____ in spring. 15.Every year millions of people visit Huangguoshu W_____ in Guizhou. 16.I’ll get along with a b_____ until I can afford a car. 17.Jane had different classes m_____ of the time during the vacation. But at the end of it, she went on a trip to Fujian. 18.He looked down from the mountain to the village b_____. 19.He is seven years old now and he is old e_____ to go to school. 20.Riding b_____ is good for our environment. 21.Did you buy a special in the supermarket yesterday 22.His sisters_____ to be a teacher,we can ask her for help. 23.Yesterday I didn’t take an u_____, so I got wet in the rain. 24.I want to go on vacation but I can’t d_____ where to go. 25.—Did you go with a_____ —Yes, I went with my father. 26.There is n_____ to eat,I have to buy something to eat. 27.Wei Hua v_____ the museum with her friends last month. 28.We must w_____ when the traffic light is red. 29.There are still too many people living b_____ the poverty line(贫困线)in that country. 30.No one was at home. So I made some noodles for m_____ at noon. 31.I had a very good summer v_____ in Shanghai with my parents. 32.Tell us_____ (有趣的事情) about your vacation,Jenny. 33.They didn't buy_____ (特殊的东西) there yesterday. 34.They caught_____ (相当多的) insects in the forest. 35.He had three p in the football game. 36.Many people like shopping (在线). They think it helps save time. 37.You can t sleep easily if you drink (咖啡)before going to bed. 38.Linda often helps her mom do some h at home. 39.Mary is buying the train ticket on the (互联网) . 40.Today is q_____ full for me, so I don’t have time to go to the party. 41.My dream is to be a w_____ like Mo Yan one day. 42.There are ten books on the desk, but n of them is mine. 43.Nearly 25 p of the council disagree. That is, about a quarter of them will say no to you. 44.My pet dog d_____ yesterday and I’m very sad. 45. ... ...

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