ID: 21097486

湘少版 五年级上册 Unit 2 I'd like a hamburger Lesson1 表格式教学设计

日期:2024-10-27 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:28次 大小:24358B 来源:二一课件通
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教学设计 课程基本信息 学 科 英 语 年级 五年级 学期 秋 季 课 题 Unit2 I’d like a hamburger.(Lesson1) 教科书 书 名:英语五年级上册(三年级起点)教材 -出卷网-:湖南少年儿童-出卷网- 教学目标 1.语言知识: (1)能四会单词:hamburger,sandwich,Coke,fish,beef,chicken. (2)能在情境中灵活运用句型:What would you like I'd like a/some... .以此来询问 或表达自己想要什么事物。 2.语言技能: (1)能区分本课可数名词和不可数名词,会用a和some. (2)能模仿课本朗读并创编对话,学会下单和礼貌购物。 3.思维品质: (1)能根据提示自己创编chant. (2)能听懂课文对话的大意,抓住关键词进行听力练习。 4.文化意识: (1)能礼貌购物。 (2)能明白健康饮食,远离垃圾食品。 教学重难点 1.教学重点: (1)能四会单词:hamburger,sandwich,Coke,fish,beef,chicken区分可数和不可数名词。 (2)能听懂会说:What would you like I'd like a/some... . 2.教学难点: (1)能灵活运用句型:What would you like I'd like a/some... . (2)能通过多种练习理解课文对话,模仿朗读,进行不同场景购物。 教学过程 Step 1 Preparation 1.Greeting. 2.Present the title and content. 3.Present the four main objectives. 4.Create the situation of this class and three tasks of this class. Task1:Find some food.Task2:Learn to order.Task3:How to buy. Step 2 Presentation 1.Let's sing a song What would you like to eat. 2.Let’s tick Tick the food children see in the song. Task 1: Find some food 3.Watch a video The students go to a fast food restaurant and look at the menu. 4.Present the menu of hot food 5.Learn hamburger (1)Present the picture of hamburger. (2)Know the word and practice its pronunciation. (3)Know Tip 1 about a hamburger and two hamburgers. (4)Look and say. Present the main sentences,practice the word in sentences. 6.Learn sandwich (1)Present the picture of sandwich. (2)Practice the phonics of sandwich,letter D is silent. (3)Practice a sandwich and two sandwiches. (4)Practice sandwich in main sentences. What would you like I'd like a sandwich. 7.Learn Coke (1)Present the picture,word and pronunciation of Coke. (2)Practice Coke in main sentences. What would you like I'd like a Coke. Let’s make chant (1)would like,would like, what would you like hamburger,hamburger, I'd like a hamburger. (2)would like, would like, what would you like sandwich, sandwich, I'd like a sandwich. (3)Make own chant and practice. 9.Learn fish (1)Present the picture of fish. (2)Practice the phonics of fish. (3)Practice some fish. (4)Practice fish in main sentences. 10.Learn chicken (1)Present the picture and pronunciation of chicken. (2)Spell the word of chicken. (3)Practice some fish. (4)Practice chicken in main sentences. 11.Learn beef (1)Present the picture of beef. (2)Practice the phonics of beef. (3)Spell other words with“ee”. (4)Practice some beef. (5)Practice beef in main sentences. Step 3 Practice 1.Play fast action game Students see the pictures and speak the words aloud. 2.Find the rules of “a”and “some” Hamburger,Coke,sandwich are countable nouns,we can use”a”,but chicken,beef and fish are uncountable nouns, we use some. Task 2 ... ...

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