ID: 21107822

Unit 2 I'd like a hamburger. (Lesson 2) 授课课件(共23张PPT)

日期:2024-10-27 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:54次 大小:44542431B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 I'd like a hamburger.(Lesson 2) 教学内容 语篇类型:记叙文 子主题:个人喜好与情感表达 和饮食与健康 主题群:生活与学习 范畴:人与自我 1.Get your English book and worksheet ready. 学习准备 2.Press the pause button when you need. 学习目标 Let's classify. What's the song about Let's enjoy a song. Let's classify. Healthy food Unhealthy food Let's classify. Chinese food Western food Let's classify. Food Drinks Let's talk. What would you like for lunch Yuanyuan Jiajia Xiaojie topic sentences Let's predict. When? Who? What? Let's listen and choose. What would they like Who is the most hungry √ √ √ √ v v v Let's think and find. I'd like sI'd like some...and...ome...and... I'd like some...and... I'd like sI'd like some...and...ome...and... I'd like two...and some... Let's think and find. I'd like sI'd like some...and...ome...and... I'd like a...and some... I'd like sI'd like some...and...ome...and... I'd like a cup of... I'd like sI'd like some...and...ome...and... I'd like some...and... Let's fill in the form. some fish and beef two sandwiches some fish a hamburger some chicken some coffee a cup of tea a Coke Countable nouns Uncountable nouns (视频源自湘少版三年级起点五年级上册Unit 2课本资源) Let's watch and imitate. The result of the survey. Let's learn. a little salt,sweet food and oil some milk,cheese and fish a lot of rice,bread and noodles plenty of fruits and vegetables Group work. Step 1: Choose and say. What would you like for lunch/... I'd like ..... If I am hungry at home ,I'd like... Step 3: Make a healthy food plan and share. (分享) (说一说) (选一选) Step 2: Make a dialogue. At the restaurant At home Have a picnic Self-assessment Need-to-do(基础类作业): a. Listen and read the content on Page 7 nicely.(听音跟读第7页并优美朗读) b.Try to finish Let's have fun on Page 8. (完成英语书中的第8页将句子排序) c.Try to finish Let 's write on Page 8. (完成英语书中的第8页写一写画一画自己的午餐。) Homework Choose-to-do(拓展类作业): Homework Task 1: Make a survey about the eating habits of your family. A: What would you like for breakfast/lunch/dinner B: I'd like ..... Task 2: Try to make a healthy meal menu for your family.

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