ID: 21107824

Unit 2 I'd like a hamburger. (period 1) 授课课件(共31张PPT)

日期:2024-10-27 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:100次 大小:26966718B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 I'd like a hamburger. (Period 1) 思维品质: 1.自编chant. 2.听懂大意,抓关 键词。 学习能力: 1.会用a和some. 2.模仿朗读,创编对话, 购物。 文化意识: 1.礼貌购物。 2.健康饮食,少吃 垃圾食品。 Teaching goals hamburger, sandwich, Coke, fish, beef, chicken. What would you like I'd like a/some ... . 语言能力: 1. 2. Tasks 1.Find some food 2.Learn to order 3.How to buy Enjoy a song What food can you see in the song □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Let’s tick Let's go to a fast food restaurant. Task1 Find some food zoo Food Hot Food Menu Tip1(建议1): 汉堡包是可数名词,必须在它前面加词表示数量: 当数量为1时,为单数,加 a/an. 当超过1时,为复数,加数词外,还要加尾巴s或es.. Learn new words What would you like I'd like a hamburger. Look and say I'd like two hamburgers. What would you like I’d like . What would you like I'd like a . Make a chant would like,would like, what would you like hamburger,hamburger, I'd like a hamburger. would like, would like, what would you like , , I'd like a . would like, would like, what would you like ... , ... , I'd like ... . some I'd like What would you like . . What would you like I’d like some . Fast action a hamburger a sandwich some chicken some beef some fish a some a Coke Tip2(建议2): hamburger,Coke, sandwich是可数名词,能用a; 肉类是不可数名词,不能在其前面直接加数字表示数量,当数量有一些时,我们用some. Task2 Learn to order What would you like I’d like a/some . Play a game hamburger fish coffee chicken Coke juice beef sandwich Let's think 1.What would Lingling like 2.What would Anne like 3.How much is the food A. fifteen B. fifteen yuan C. fifty yuan Watch a video Let's check 1.What would Lingling like 2.What would Anne like 3.How much is the food A. fifteen B. fifteen yuan C. fifty yuan Tip3(建议3): Try to read it: Correctly 读正确 Fluently 读流利 Emotionally 读出感情 Listen and read Task3 How to buy Waiter: Can I help you What would you like Buyer: I’d like . How much is it Waiter: It’s yuan. Buyer: Here you are. Waiter: Thank you.Here is your food. Buyer: Thank you. Take notes 按下暂停键,大声读并在文中找出句子划上横线。 How to buy W:Can I ... What ... like B: I'd like ... . W: How many ... do you want B: I want ... . W:May I ... What ... like B: I like ... . W: What colour ... B: I want ... . Fruit Shop Snack Shop Clothes Shop Summary Eat healthy food, keep away from junk food. 吃健康食物,远离垃圾食品! Affection 1.What would your family like Ask them before you have dinner. 2.Draw your dinner menu. 3.Try to buy something politely, finish the dialogue. Homework Self-assessment

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