
冀教版八年级上册Unit 3 Families Celebrate Together Lesson 16 Happy Thanksgiving! 课件(共19张PPT,含内嵌音频)

日期:2024-09-13 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:47次 大小:92934556Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 3 Families Celebrate Together (Lesson 16 Happy Thanksgiving!) Learning Objectives(学习目标) 1.听懂、会说并认读单词:hug, meal, conversation, turkey, gathering, dessert; 2.通过阅读文章获取文章大意和细节信息; 3.表达个人对于感恩的想法; 4.设计制作感恩卡片,运用相关语言表达对亲朋好友或老师的感激之情。 Spring Festival International Workers’ Day Dragon-Boat Festival Mid-Autumn Festival Thanksgiving Brainstorm What festivals have you learned New Year’s Day Mother’s Day National Day Christmas Day Teachers’ Day Brain Storm What festivals have you learned Mid-Autumn Festival Brain Storm What festivals have you learned Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Thanksgiving a family gathering dessert have a big dinner/meal have a good talk/conversation turkey 1.Where did Jenny’s family celebrate this Thanksgiving Day 2.How do they like this special holiday Listen and answer At Jenny’s grandparents’ house. They enjoyed it. 1.When they arrived, her grandma opened the door. ( ) 2.Their grandma is cooking the turkey for Thanksgiving dinner.( ) 3.Brain felt nervous when he first came here.( ) Skim and say F T T Practice careful reading Jenny’s family gathers at Grandma and GrandPa’s house on Thanksgiving Day. They give a big h_____ to each other and say “ Happy Thanksgiving ”. Brian is with the family , too. He felt n_____ when he first came here. But Jenny’s family helped him a lot, so now he feels at home. He thanks Grandma and Grandpa for the l _____ meal. He thanks Jenny for all of her help. He also thanks everyone for w_____ him. As usual, the family gathering is e_____. It is a fun and lively evening with a big meal ,delicious t_____ and d_____ , lots of games and good c_____. At the end, they take a big family photo. ug ervous ovely elcoming xciting urkey esserts onversation Discussion What did Jenny’s family do on Thanksgiving Day Giving a big hug to each other Saying “happy Thanks-giving” Having a big meal and dessert Giving thanks at dinner Playing games Having a good conversation Taking a big family photo Think time Who did Brain thank and why “ I ’d like to give thanks to Grandma and Grandpa for this lovely meal. Thanks to Jenny for all of her help, and thanks to all of you for welcoming me. When I first came here, everything was different . I felt nervous. But with all your help, I feel at home now,” said Brian. He gave thanks to … for _____. He thanked … for _____. He was thankful to …for _____. Show time Show time I give thanks to … for… I thanks ….for… I am thankful to… for… I am grateful to … for… I wish to say thank you to … for… …, thank you for… …, thanks so much for… Homework Make a thank-you card for someone special . We should have a thankful heart. My thankful heart 1.We summarized the main idea and specific information of the passage. 2.We learned how to celebrate Thanksgiving. 3.We shared our ideas about giving thanks. Summary Thanks for your list ... ...

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