ID: 21108382

Unit 7 At weekends (Cartoon time) 授课课件(共27张PPT)

日期:2024-10-22 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:81次 大小:11080533B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 7 At weekends(Cartoon time) 1. 【学习理解】在看、听、说活动中,获取梳理三 个小动物的周末活动。 2. 【应用实践】尝试转述介绍卡通故事。 3. 【迁移创新】评价卡通中三个小动物的表现。 4. 【迁移创新】汇报交流比利新的周末活动。 学习目标 Unit 7 At weekends(Cartoon time) What do I do at weekends Guess and talk What do I do at weekends Guess and talk Our weekends in different seasons I always/usually/often/sometimes _____ at weekends in spring/summer/autumn/winter . ____ always/usually/often/sometimes _____ at weekends in spring/summer/autumn/winter . Tips: 1.Choose one season and say.(任选一个季节说一说) 2.Listen and try to remember your classmates’ weekends. ? After the accident, Billy doesn’t like skating. What does he do Let’s review 观看思考What does Billy do at weekends Watch and think Billy always_____ at weekends. He always _____ too. watches TV eats a lot Mmm, nice! What does Billy do at weekends Watch and think Activities at weekends winter spring summer autumn What do Sam and Bobby do at weekends always watches TV and eats a lot always watches TV and eats a lot always watches TV and eats a lot always watches TV and eats a lot Read and find Read silently and find the key words , then finish the form. 默读课文并找出关键词,然后完成表格。 Sam and Bobby’s weekends winter go skating spring often play basketball summer often go swimming autumn have a picnic No. I don’t like playing basketball. No. I don’t like swimming! Let’s go swimming, Billy! Come out and play basketball, Billy! Read and find Sam and Bobby’s weekends winter go skating spring often play basketball summer often go swimming autumn have a picnic Does Billy like picnics Now it is autumn. Sure! I like picnics! 4 Let’s go and have a picnic, Billy. ? Read and find Sam and Bobby’s weekends winter go skating spring often play basketball summer often go swimming autumn have a picnic Does Billy like picnics Oh, I can’t get out! Read and think 读一读,想一想,他们最后去了吗? Come out..., Billy! Tip: get out 说话者在屋内, come out 说话者在屋外。 Read and imitate Think and retell Billy always at weekends. He always too. In , Sam and Bobby often . But Billy . In , Sam and Bobby often . But Billy . In , Sam and Bobby often . Billy likes . But he is . He can’t . 想一想,写一写,试着用自己的语言叙述故事,注意动词第三人称单数的变化。 Think and retell Billy always at weekends. He always too. In , Sam and Bobby often . But Billy . In , Sam and Bobby often . But Billy . In , Sam and Bobby often . Billy likes . But he is . He can’t . watches TV eats a lot spring play basketball doesn’t like palying basketball summer go swimming get out too fat autumn picnics have picnics doesn’t like swimming 想一想,写一写,试着用自己的语言叙述故事,注意动词第三人称单数的变化。 winter go skating spring often play basketball summer often go swimming autumn have a picnic always watches TV and eats a lot Activities at weekends Try to ... ...

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