ID: 21108392

Unit7 At weekends(Period 2 Grammar time)授课课件 (共53张PPT)

日期:2024-10-22 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:40次 大小:77417881B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit7 At weekends (Period 2 Grammar time) Name:_____ Mike Weekends lapbook All about 手工主题书 看图,说一说Mike的活动。 I always play basketball at weekends. I usually play football with Liu Tao. I often watch TV at weekends. I sometimes have a picnic in the park. Look and say Read and find I sometimes have a picnic in the park. I often watch TV at weekends. I usually play football with Liu Tao. I always play basketball at weekends. 观察四句话, 你能发现什么 频率副词 Learning tip always, usually, often, sometimes是“频率副词”,用来表示动作的频率,即在一定时间内动作发生的次数。 用星星来区频率的高低 Read and find 频率副词 Learning tip 用星星来区分频率的高低 always: usually: often: sometimes: always, usually, often, sometimes是“频率副词”,用来表示动作的频率,即在一定时间内动作发生的次数。 Act the dialogue I always/ usually/ often/ sometimes... What do you do at weekends What do you do at weekends I always clean the table. Act the dialogue What do you do at weekends I usually chat on the Internet. Act the dialogue What do you do at weekends I often cook. Act the dialogue What do you do at weekends I sometimes go skating. Act the dialogue Read and choose 根据图片,选词填空。 always often usually sometimes This is my sister Helen. She_____ goes to the cinema. She_____ reads books. She_____ has dancing lessons. She_____ flies a kite in the park. Hello, I’m Helen. I sometimes go to the cinema. I usually read books. I always have dancing lessons. I often fly a kite in the park. 根据图片,选词填空。 This is my sister Helen. She sometimes goes to the cinema. She usually reads books. She always has dancing lessons. She often flies a kite in the park. 你能发现两段话有什么不同? Hello, I’m Helen. I sometimes go to the cinema. I usually read books. I always have dancing lessons. I often fly a kite in the park. 第一人称 动词原形 第三人称单数 动词第三人称 单数形式 Read and find Let’s learn 非第三人称 单数 当主语不是第三人称单数时,动词用原形。 第三人称 单数 当主语是第三人称单数时, 动词用第三人称单数形式。 do does he she Let’s learn 你发现了 什么规律? 非第三人称单数,助动词用do。 第三人称单数,助动词用does。 Let’s learn read — reads chat — chats visit — visits go — goes do — does watch — watches fly — flies have — has 动词原形 动词第三人称 单数形式 一般情况加“s” 以o, s, x, sh, ch结尾的,加“es” 以辅音字母+ y结尾的, 变y为 i, 再加“es” 特殊情况 你能发现 动词三单变化规律吗? Play a game 哪些动词变三单加“s”?快速读出来吧! 加“s” 哪些动词变三单加“es”?快速读出来吧! 加“es” 哪些动词变三单改y为 i, 再加“es”?快速读出来吧! 改y为 i, 加“es” 情况特殊 加“s” 情况特殊 改y为 i, 加“es” 加“es” Let’s read Play chess 让我们来下棋吧! What does she do at weekends She... She always reads books. Ask and answer ... ... He sometimes plays basketball. What does he do at weekends Ask and answer ... What does he do at weekends ... He usually goes skating. Ask and answer ... ... What ... ...

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