ID: 21112761

新概念英语第一册Lesson 35 Our village课件+音频(共51张PPT,含内嵌视频)

日期:2024-10-22 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:57次 大小:39286793B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Lesson 35 Our village Index Vocabulary Text Grammar Warming up Warming up Group Discussion: Do you prefer to live in the village or in the city Why Vocabulary (1). photograph n. 照片 又可以写作:photo e.g. This is a photograph of our village. 这是我们村庄的一张照片。(课文原句) Vocabulary (2). village n. 村庄 e.g. 他现在住在一个小村庄里。 He is living in a small village now. Vocabulary (3). valley n. 山谷 Vocabulary (4). between prep. 在… …之间 (两者) 常用搭配:between…and… 在……和……之间 e.g. 我通常走在爸爸妈妈的中间。 I usually walk between my father and mother. Vocabulary (5). hill n. 小山 e.g. 那两座小山之间,有一条小河。 There is a small river between two hills. Vocabulary (6). another n. 另一个 e.g. When you eat that, you can have another one. 吃完那个以后,你还可以再吃一个。 Vocabulary (7). wife n. 妻子 丈夫 husband Vocabulary (8). along prep. 沿 e.g. We are driving along that road. 我们正沿着那条路开车。 Vocabulary (9). bank n. 河岸 e.g. Roger pushes the boat away from the bank. Roger把船从岸边推走。 猜猜其它词意:e.g. You put money in a bank. 银行 Vocabulary (10). water n. 水 Vocabulary (11). swim v. 游泳 去游泳 go swimming = go for a swim Vocabulary (12). building n. 大楼,建筑物 Vocabulary (13). park n. 公园 Vocabulary (14). into prep. 进入 e.g. He is going into the paper shop. 他正走进一家报刊店。 Vocabulary (15). beside prep. 在…… 旁边 e.g. Wendy comes over and sits beside me. Wendy走了过来,坐在我旁边。 Vocabulary (16). off prep. 离开 Listen and repeat across [ 'kr s] prep. 横过 across the river 横渡这条河 along [ 'l ] prep. 沿着 another [ 'n ] prep.另一个 bank [b k] n.河岸 beside park [pɑ:k] n.公园 between [bi'twi:n] prep.在…之间 into ['intu, 'int ] prep.进入 photograph ['f ut grɑ:f] n.照片 village ['vilid ] n.村庄 valley ['v li] n.山谷 hill [hil] n.小山 wife [waif] n.妻子 water ['w :t ] n.水 swim [swim] v.游泳 building ['bildi ] n.大楼,建筑物 Do you know village What can you see in a village hills valley river Text: Our village Q: Are the children coming out of the park or going into it Look and guess village Where is the village Look, read and answer a photograph of a village Where is the village in It’s _____ a valley. a valley Look, read and answer a photograph of a village Where is the village between It’s _____ two hills. two hills Look, read and answer a photograph of a village Where is the village on It’s _____ a river. a river These are three potographs of the village. Let’s learn This is a photograph of the village. This is another photograph of the village. This is another photograph of the village. Look, read and answer What are the man and the woman doing along They’re walking _____ the banks of the river. along along the road Look, learn and answer middle left right The houses are _____. The man and the woman are _____. The boy is _____. in the middle on the left on the right Look, read and answer What is the boy doing across He’s swim ... ...

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