ID: 21118237


日期:2024-10-12 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:56次 大小:1246184B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 短文填空 期末专题检测 一、 语法填空。 A My neighbour Mrs Smith is old. She is a newcomer in the community (社区). One day, she 1. (want) to go to King Street, but she loses her way. Just then, she sees me near the bus stop. She goes over to me 2. asks, “Excuse me, could you please tell me the way to King Street?” I say, “No problem, Mrs Smith. Go along this street and turn left at the 3. (two) crossing. You’ll see King Street. There are many high 4. (build) on that street. It is a little far 5. here. It’s about eight 6. (kilometre) away. wants  and  second  buildings  from  kilometres  一 二 There 7. (be) many cars and buses on the street. You should go there 8. bus.” Mrs Smith thanks me for 9. (I) help. And she 10. (get) to the place at last. are  by  my  gets  一 二 B(张家口市桥西区期末) Today is November 21. It’s a 1. (sun) and great day for my family. It is my brother’s 2. (twelve) birthday today. He is in a blue sweater and black trousers. He looks very cool. His good friends are staying with him in the living room. Some of 3. (they) are his classmates. They are drawing a lot of colourful 4. (leaf) on the paper. Our mum is cooking some dishes, 5. the dishes are all very delicious. Our father 6. (set) the table now. My brother feels a bit 7. (excite). We say “Happy birthday!” 8. him together. My brother thanks us for 9. (have) the birthday party. I’m sure we’ll have 10. good time. sunny  twelfth  them  leaves  and  is setting  excited  to  having  a  一 二 C(杭州市拱墅区期末) Do you know how people get their names? Let me tell you something 1. family names in North America. People there 2. (have) two names. Usually, their 3. (father) last names are their last names. They are also family names. At first, people in North America only have one name. After some time, there 4. (be) many people with the same name. It’s difficult 5. (know) who is who. So they need a 6. (two) name. People in North America have 7. good idea. about  have  fathers’  are  to know  second  a  一 二 Children of John have names like Peter Johnson, Mary Johnson and so on. Jackson, Anderson 8. Davidson are the same. Some people get their last names from their living places. A family takes the name Green because they live in a village with many green 9. (tree). People also get 10. (they) names from their work. A person bakes(烘 烤) bread and his last name is Baker. and  trees  their  一 二 D(杭州市滨江区期末) It’s my little brother Jaden’s birthday today. He’s eight. All his 1. (friend) come here. It’s hot and sunny. They’re in the garden now. His friends from his school football team 2. (be) here. So, of course, they all like football. He 3. (like) Liverpool best. I like Liverpool, too. friends  are  likes  一 二 What is his gift 4. me? It’s a FIFA World Cup football! And I also giv ... ...

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