
仁爱版九年级上册Unit 1 The Changing World Topic 3 Section D同步练习卷(含解析)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:60次 大小:23040Byte 来源:二一课件通
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仁爱版九年级上册《Unit 1 Topic 3. The world has changed for the better》同步练习卷(Section D) 一、根据首字母提示补全单词. 1.(3分)With the d    of modern education,more and more advanced (先进的)aids will appear. 2.(3分)As a teacher,you should e    your student,not discourage them all the time. 3.(3分)Without the kind man's help,the poor girl won't be able to c    her studies. 4.(3分)Project Hope has built more than 18 000 Hope P    Schools since it founded (成立). 5.(3分)I want to go to c     in America. 二、单项选择. 6.(3分)_____ you have a talk with him, you will know he is a good person.(  ) A.Though B.Once C.Because D.Unless 7.(3分)Many poor families in China can't afford an education ____ their children. They need help.(  ) A.as B.for C.to D.with 8.(3分)_____ his pocket money, Bill bought many books for the poor children.(  ) A.Use B.In C.With D.Pay 9.(3分)_____ this money, Project Hope has _____ lots of poor children to go back to their schools.(  ) A.Use; help B.With; help C.With; aided D.Using; aid 三、根据汉语提示完成句子. 10.(3分)希望工程对教育作出了很重要的贡献. Project Hope has    the education. 11.(3分)他不努力学习,结果考试不及格. He didn't study hard.   ,he failed the exam. 12.(3分)希望工程帮助贫穷家庭支付孩子们的教育. Project Hope helps poor families    an education    their children. 13.(3分)有希望工程的帮助,他不能继续他的学业.     Project Hope, he can't continue his studies. 参考答案 一、根据首字母提示补全单词. 1.【解答】分析句子,结合首字母提示,越来越多先进的急救措施将出现,后接名词. 故答案是development. 2.【解答】分析句子,结合首字母提示,你应该鼓励你的学生.英语是encourage,后接动词原形. 故答案是encourage. 3.【解答】分析句子,结合首字母提示,这个可怜的女孩将无法继续她的学业,前面是不定式. 故答案是continue. 4.【解答】分析句子,结合首字母提示,建成了18000多所希望小学. 故答案是Primary. 5.【解答】分析句子,结合首字母提示.考查短语go to college. 故答案是college. 二、单项选择. 6.【解答】分析句子,结合选项,你就会知道他是个好人,B一旦,D除非. 故选:B. 7.【解答】can't afford for sb.负担不起某人……的钱,结合句意:中国很多贫困家庭都负担不起孩子的教育. 故选:B. 8.【解答】A.使用 B C,介词 D,根据句意:用自己的零钱.可知此处表示用零钱. 故选:C. 9.【解答】根据第二个空格前的has可知此处应该是现在完成时,应该用现在分词aided,结合句意:用这笔钱. 故选:C. 三、根据汉语提示完成句子. 10.【解答】对…做出贡献make contributions to…,重要的important,要用现在完成时. 故答案为made important contributions to. 11.【解答】结果As a result,固定短语. 故答案为As a result. 12.【解答】为某人提供某物offer sth.to sb.,后面用动词原形. 故答案为offer,to. 13.【解答】没有…的帮助Without the help of…,固定短语. 故答案为Without the help of…. ... ...

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